Filtering and performing actions on WebElements

Let's further modify the search test and find a product matching with a given name. We will then click on the product to open the product details page, as shown in this code:

public void searchAndViewProduct() {

// find search box and enter search string
WebElement searchBox = driver.findElement("q"));


WebElement searchButton =

.isEqualTo("Search results for: 'Phones'");

List<WebElement> searchItems = driver
.findElements(By.cssSelector("h2.product-name a"));

WebElement product =
.filter(item -> item.getText().equalsIgnoreCase("MADISON EARBUDS"))

.isEqualTo("Madison Earbuds");

In the preceding code, we used the filter() function to find a specific product from the list of WebElements. We retrieved the first matching product, using the findFirst() function. This will return a WebElement representing the link element. We then clicked on the element to open the product details page in the browser.

Thus, we can use Streams API in a number of ways to create functional, readable code with just a few lines.