Reduces bug count

As our application grows, so do our tests. Or shall we say, our test suite has grown, and by making our tests pass, our application has grown. As both have grown, we've covered the happy path (for example: 2 + 2 = 4) as well as potential failures (for example: 2 + banana = exception). If the method or function under test can accept an input parameter, there is a potential for failure. You can reduce the potential for unexpected behavior, bugs, and exceptions by writing code to guard against these scenarios. As you write tests to express potential failures, your production code will inherently become more robust and less prone to errors. If a bug does slip by and make it to QA, or even to a production environment, then it's easy enough to add a new test to cover the newly discovered defect.

The added benefit of approaching bugs in this fashion is that the same bug rarely crops up again at some later date, as the new tests guard against this. If the same bug does appear, you know that, while the same result has happened, the bug occurred in a new and different way. With the addition of another test to cover this new scenario, this will likely be the last time you see the same old bug.