Unit tests 

Let's jump right in with the most misused and least understood test type. In Kent Beck's book, Test-Driven Development by Example, he defines a unit test as simply a test that runs in isolation from the other tests. All that means is that for a test to be a unit test, all that has to happen is that the test must not be affected by the side-effects of the other tests. Some common misconceptions are that a unit test must not hit the database, or that it must not use code outside the method or function being tested. These simply aren't true. We tend to draw the line in our testing at third-party interactions. Any time that your tests will be accessing code that is outside the application you are writing, you should abstract that interaction. We do this for maximum flexibility in the design of the test, not because it wouldn't be a unit test. It is the opinion of some that unit tests are the only tests that should ever be written. This is based on the original definition, and not on the common usage of the term.