Out variables

With C# 7.0, we can write cleaner code when using out variables. As we know, to use out variables, we have to first declare them. With the new language enhancement, we can now just write out as a prefix and specify the name of the variable that we need that value to be assigned to.

To clarify this concept, we will first see the traditional approach, which is shown as follows:

public void GetPerson() 
  int year; 
  int month; 
  int day; 
  GetPersonDOB(out year, out month, out day); 
public void GetPersonDOB(out int year, out int month, out int day ) 
  year = 1980; 
  month = 11; 
  day = 3; 

And here with C# 7.0, we can simplify the preceding GetPerson method, which is shown as follows:

public void GetPerson() 
  GetPersonDOB(out int year, out int month, out int day); 