How to do it...

  1. Navigate to Services | DHCP Server.
  2. Click on the LAN tab, if it isn’t selected already.
  3. Under General Options, check the Enable DHCP server on LAN interface checkbox:

  1. In the Range edit boxes, enter a range of IP addresses for the DHCP server to assign to clients. The range must be contiguous and within the range listed next to Available range.
  2. If you do not need more than a single range of IP addresses, proceed to Step 6. Otherwise, perform the following steps to add multiple IP address pools:
    • Under Additional Pools, click on the Add pool button.
    • When the page reloads, add the new range, using the Range edit boxes.
    • Click on the Save button at the bottom of the page.
    • Click on the LAN tab to return to the DHCP configuration page for the LAN interface.
    • Repeat Step 5 for as many pools as you wish to add.
  3. Click on the Save button, and the DHCP service will start.
  4. Click on the Apply Changes button.