Running the hello world app

Now you are ready to use the vapor run command to execute the app in the current directory:

# Step 3: Run the app in the current directory
vapor run

Your helloWorld app will be running:

Running helloWorld ...
[ INFO ] Migrating 'sqlite' database (FluentProvider.swift:28)
[ INFO ] Preparing migration 'Todo' (MigrationContainer.swift:50)
[ INFO ] Migrations complete (FluentProvider.swift:32)
Running default command: .build/debug/Run serve
Server starting on http://localhost:8080

To see your app in action, launch your web browser and go to the URL http://localhost:8080/hello:

The hello path in the URL is the name of a route that is handled in the application to print out the string Hello, world!.

If you want to stop the execution of the application, use the Ctrl + C command in the Terminal.