- Building Enterprise JavaScript Applications
- Daniel Li
- 407字
- 2021-07-23 16:31:08
Standardizing module formats
Since CommonJS, multiple module formats have emerged for client-side applications, such as AMD and UMD. AMD, or Asynchronous Module Definition, is an early fork of the CommonJS format, and supports asynchronous module loading. This means modules that do not depend on each other can be loaded in parallel, partially alleviating the slow startup time that clients face if they use CommonJS on the browser.
Whenever there are multiple unofficial standards, someone will usually come up with a new standard that's supposed to unify them all:

This is what happened with UMD, or Universal Module Definition. UMD modules are compatible with both AMD and CommonJS, and this also exposes a global variable if you want to include it on your web page as a <script> tag. But, because it tries to be compatible with all formats, there's a lot of boilerplate.
Eventually, the task of unifying JavaScript module formats was taken on by the Ecma International, which standardized modules in the ECMAScript 2015 (ES6) version of JavaScript. This module format uses two keywords: import and export. The same greeter example would look like this with ES6 modules:
// greeter.js
const helloWorld = function (name) {
process.stdout.write(`hello ${name}!\n`)
const privateHellowWorld = function (name) {
process.stdout.write('This is a private function')
export default helloWorld;
// main.js
import greeter from "./greeter.js";
You'd still have two files—greeter.js and main.js; the only difference here is that exports.sayHello = helloWorld; is replaced by export default helloWorld;, and const greeter = require('./greeter.js'); is replaced by import greeter from "./greeter.js";.
Furthermore, ES6 modules are static, meaning they cannot be changed at runtime. In other words, you cannot decide during runtime whether a module should be imported. The reason for this is to allow the modules to be analyzed and the dependency graph to be built beforehand.
Node.js and popular browsers are quickly adding support for ECMAScript 2015 features, but currently none of them fully support modules.
Luckily, there are tools that can convert ECMAScript 2015 modules into the universally supported CommonJS format. The most popular are Babel and Traceur. In this book, we will use Babel because it is the de facto standard.