- Building Enterprise JavaScript Applications
- Daniel Li
- 344字
- 2021-07-23 16:30:49
Technical debt
One of the most popular questions on the Software Engineering Stack Exchange (https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/) website is this:
Whilst this should never be regarded as normal, for many developers, it is their reality. So, why do so many projects end up in an unmaintainable state? After all, every project starts off with a blank slate.
Some may say that it's because most programmers are inherently lazy, but most also take pride in their work, and value quality over speed. Others may say it's because the developers are incompetent, but even companies that employ very talented technical teams fall victim to this.
My theory is that during the lengthy development process, it's too easy to make little concessions along the way, where code quality is sacrificed to save other resources, usually time. For instance, you may stop writing tests to meet a deadline, or forgo refactoring because your manager assures you that the project is just a PoC or Minimum Viable Product (MVP). Little by little, these small concessions build up. Oftentimes, the deadlines become ever more unreasonable, and the MVP becomes the company's flagship product. That's how we end up with so many unmaintainable projects in this world.
These compromises, although small at the time, have a knock-on effect on the code that is written afterward. This cumulative effect is described using the metaphor of technical debt, which plays on the analogy of financial debt, where you incur compound interest on your existing debts.