- Godot Engine Game Development Projects
- Chris Bradfield
- 191字
- 2021-06-18 18:51:33
Project organization
As your projects become larger and more involved, you'll find that saving all of your scenes and scripts in the same folder becomes unwieldy.
A common response to this by Godot beginners is to make a scenes folder and a scripts folder, and to save each type of file in the respective folder. This isn't very effective. Soon, you find yourself hunting through the scripts folder, looking for the script you need because it's jumbled up with all the other scripts of your game.
A more logical organization is to create a folder for each type of object. A player folder, for example, will hold the player's scene file, script(s), and any other resources that it needs. Organizing your project in this way is much more scalable and can be extended even further if you have a very large number of objects. For example, refer to the following screenshot:

Throughout this project, the examples will assume that each new scene type is being saved in a folder of that type, along with its script. The Player.tscn and Player.gd files, for example, will be saved in a player folder.