Epic, Stories, and Tasks

An epic is a large amount of work that is almost always delivered over a number of sprints. An epic often is a high-level description of functionality. It contains no specific details. Through customer feedback, the team can learn what is needed to complete the epic. An example of an epic may be: As a user of the app, I want to be able to set up and to review a Business Model Canvas in an app.

An epic is a high-level description of the feature or features. Since specific details are missing, the team needs to learn more about the epic, and often this will generate multiple stories. solve the problem that the epic defines, can become a story.

A user story should be as small as possible while it is still delivering business value. User stories are often written from the perspective of the users of the app, and they are described in a natural language. They describe a particular feature in only few sentences that outline the desired outcome. This can help the team to understand the objectives and the context of a specific desired feature.

A story may have one or more tasks. These tasks can describe in a very specific way which actions need to be taken in order to complete a story. An example of a task could be to develop an edit box where the user can edit text or add a Save button and persist the edited text. It is also important to specify the acceptance criteria. If you have clearly defined what the result of the implementation of a story or task should be, it will become easier for your testers to accept (or to decline) the new feature.