Sprint review, planning, and retrospective

There are a couple of events at the end of each sprint: the sprint review and the sprint retrospective. There is also the sprint planning for the next sprint.

At the review, the team reviews all the completed work and demonstrates it to the stakeholders. They also review the work that has not been completed yet.

For the upcoming sprint, there is the sprint planning event. During this event, the team and stakeholders work together to determine which features can be delivered in the sprint, and how it can be achieved.

The retrospective is used to reflect on the past sprint so that a team can learn and improve over time. In general, the two main questions asked of each member are:

  • What went well during the sprint?
  • What needs to be improved in the next sprint?

The Scrum master facilitates the event and helps the team to determine what actions are needed in order to improve things. For the retrospective, you can use a tool such as Jira, but often using post-its works much better.

Anything that needs improvement will be prioritized, and actions will be defined for the top three issues.

By now, you have a basic understanding on what the Agile workflow and Scrum is about. To learn more about Scrum, you can visit https://www.scrum.org.