
Cryptography is the science of making information secure in the presence of adversaries. It provides a means of secure communication in the presence of adversaries with assumed limitless resources. Ciphers are used to encrypt data so that if intercepted by an adversary, the data is meaningless to them without decryption, which requires the secret key.

Cryptography is generally used to provide a confidentiality service. On its own, it cannot be considered a complete solution but serve as a crucial building block within a larger security system to address a security problem.

Cryptography provides various security services, such as Confidentiality, Integrity, Authentication, (Entity Authentication and Data origin authentication) and non-repudiation. Additionally, accountability is also required in various security systems.

Before discussing cryptography further, there are some mathematical terms and concepts that need to be explained first in order to fully understand the material provided later in this chapter. The next section introduces these concepts. It should be noted that this section is intended as a basic introduction. An explanation with proofs and relevant background for all these terms will require rather involved mathematics, which is beyond the scope of this book. More details on these topics can be found in any standard number theory, algebra, or cryptography text book.


As the subject of cryptography is based on mathematics, this section will introduce some basic concepts that will help you understand the concepts later in the chapter.


A set is a collection of distinct objects, for example, X= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}.


A group is a commutative set with one operation that combines two elements of the set. The group operation is closed and associated with an identity element defined. Additionally, each element in the set has an inverse. Closure (closed) means that if, for example, elements A and B are in the set, then the resultant element after performing operation on the elements is also in the set. Associative means that the grouping of elements does not affect the result of the operation.


A field is a set that contains both additive and multiplicative groups. More precisely, all elements in the set form an additive and multiplicative group. It satisfies specific axioms for addition and multiplication. For all group operations, the distributive law is also applied. The law dictates that the same sum or product will be produced even if any terms or factors are reordered.

A finite field

A finite field is a field with a finite set of elements. Also known as Galois fields, these structures are of particular importance in cryptography as they can be used to produce accurate and error-free results of arithmetic operations. For example, prime finite fields are used in elliptic curve cryptography to construct discrete logarithm problem.


This is the number of elements in a field. It is also known as the cardinality of the field.

Prime fields

This is a finite field with a prime number of elements. It has specific rules for addition and multiplication, and each nonzero element in the field has an inverse. Addition and multiplication operations are performed modulo p.


If more than one operation can be defined over an abelian group, that group becomes a ring. There are also certain properties that need to be satisfied. A ring must have closure and associative and distributive properties.

A cyclic group

A cyclic group is a type of group that can be generated by a single element called the group generator. In other words, if the group operation is repeatedly applied to a particular element in the group, then all elements in the group can be generated.

An abelian group

An abelian group is formed when the operation on the elements of a set is commutative. Commutative law basically means that changing the order of the elements does not affect the result of the operation, for example, A X B = B X A.

Modular arithmetic

Also known as clock arithmetic, numbers in modular arithmetic wrap around when they reach a certain fixed number. This fixed number is a positive number called modulus and all operations are performed with regard to this fixed number. In an analogy to a clock, there are number from 1 to 12. When it reaches 12, the number 1 starts again. In other words, this arithmetic deals with the remainders after the pision operation. For example, 50 mod 11 is 6 because 50 / 11 leaves a remainder of 6.

This completes a basic introduction to some mathematical concepts; in the next section, you will be introduced to cryptography.


As discussed earlier, cryptography provides various security services, and these security services are discussed here.


Confidentiality is the assurance that information is only available to authorized entities.


Integrity is the assurance that information is modifiable only by authorized entities.


Authentication provides assurance about the identity of an entity or the validity of a message. There are two types of authentications, discussed here.

Entity authentication

Entity authentication is the assurance that an entity is currently involved and active in a communication session. Traditionally, users are issued a username and password, which are used to gain access to the platforms they are using. This is called single factor authentication as there is only one factor, namely something you know, that is, the password and username. This type of authentication is not very secure due to various reasons, such as password leakage; therefore, additional factors are now commonly used to provide better security. The use of additional techniques for user identification is known as multifactor authentication or two-factor authentication if only two methods are used. If more than two factors are used for authentication, that is called multifactor authentication. Various factors are described here:

  1. The first factor is something you have, such as a hardware token or smart card. In this case, a user can use a hardware token in addition to login credentials to gain access to a system. This provides protection by requiring two factors of authentication. A user who has access to the hardware token and knows the log-on credentials will be able to access the system. Both factors should be available in order to gain access to the system, thus making this method a two-factor authentication mechanism.
  2. The second factor is something you are, which uses biometric features in order to identify the user. In this method, a user uses fingerprint, retina, iris, or hand geometry to provide an additional factor for authentication. This way, it can be ensured that a user was indeed present during the authentication mechanism as biometric features are unique to an inpidual. However, careful implementation is required in order to ensure a high level of security as some research has suggested that biometric systems can be circumvented in certain scenarios.
Data origin authentication

Also known as message authentication, this is an assurance that the source of information is verified. Data origin authentication implies data integrity because if a source is corroborated, then data must not have been altered. Various methods, such as Message Authentication Codes (MACs) and digital signatures are most commonly used. These terms will be explained in detail later in the chapter.


Non-repudiation is the assurance that an entity cannot deny a previous commitment or action by providing unforgeable evidence. It is a security service that provides unforgeable evidence that a particular action has occurred. This property is very necessary in disputable situations whereby an entity has denied actions performed, for example, placing an order on an e-commerce system. This service produces cryptographic evidence in electronic transactions so that in case of disputes, it can be used as a confirmation of an action. Non-repudiation has been an active research area for many years. Disputes in electronic transactions are a common issue and there is a need to address them in order to increase the confidence level of consumers in the service.

The non-repudiation protocol usually runs in a communication network and is used to provide evidence that an action has been taken by an entity (originator or recipient) on the network. In this context, there are two communication models that can be used to transfer messages from originator A to recipient B:

  1. Message is sent directly from originator A to recipient B.
  2. Message is sent to a delivery agent from originator A, which then delivers the message to recipient B.

The main requirements of a non-repudiation protocol are fairness, effectiveness, and timeliness. In many scenarios, there are multiple participants involved in a transaction as opposed to only two parties. For example, in electronic trading systems, there can be many entities, such as clearing agents, brokers, and traders that can be involved in a single transaction. In this case, two-party non-repudiation protocols are not appropriate. To address this problem Multi-party nonrepudiation protocols (MPNR) has been developed.


Accountability is the assurance that actions affecting security can be traced to the responsible party. This is usually provided by logging and audit mechanisms in systems where a detailed audit is required due to the nature of the business, for example, in electronic trading systems. Detailed logs are vital to trace an entity's actions, for example, when a trade is placed in an audit record with the date and time stamp and the entity's identity is generated and saved in the log file. This log file can optionally be encrypted and can be part of the database or a standalone ASCII text log file on a system.