About the Reviewer

Michael Ebbage is a software architect who specializes in e-commerce and Java technology-based web applications. He created his first web page almost two decades ago—since then, he's gone on to develop hundreds of websites for some of the UK's biggest companies (many featuring on the FTSE 100 and 250), as the tools and techniques used to do so have continually changed and evolved.

He has a background in software development and holds a BSc (Hons) in computing and information systems. He is also one of the top contributors to Stack Overflow, where you'll regularly find him answering questions on a wide range of web-related languages and technologies.

I'd like to thank the author, Alex, for the opportunity to be involved with this book. It's been a great learning experience, and I now have a renewed admiration for the amount of knowledge and effort that goes into it. I would also like to thank my beloved wife and son for their patience and support during the time I spent working on reviewing it.