Adding the challenge

Now, we will add line traces to the AI character. In our demonstration, we will use traces to detect the wall in front of the pawn. Other examples of using traces in the AI include Line of Sight checking, getting surface rotation, and getting nearby actors.

Let's go back to Unreal Engine Level Editor and look within Content Browser. Perform the following steps:

  1. Rename our MyController blueprint Hero; this will act as the player in this scenario.
  2. Open our Hero blueprint and go to the EventGraph section.
  3. Now, remove every node except the Event Tick and Move to Location nodes. We will replace these with new blueprint scripting:

    Blueprint after removing unnecessary nodes

  4. Pull from the return exec pin on the Event Tick node and create a Delay node.
  5. Set the Duration value to .05 so that it will update relatively fast.
  6. Now, we have to get the location from the pawn to create line traces. We will also use the right vector to face the pawn to the right from the pawn's current rotation when the collision ahead is detected.
  7. Right-click on EventGraph and search for Get Controlled Pawn.
  8. From the Return Value pin of Get Controlled Pawn, pull the Get Actor Location node.
  9. From the Return Value pin of GetActorLocation, pull a vector and then drop it in an empty area.
  10. Search for LineTraceByChannel, which is located under the Collision category, as shown in the following screenshot: