Adding sprites to scenes

To display any image onscreen and manipulate it, you will need to add it to the scene using the CCSprite class. Unlike a regular image, a sprite has properties such as move, scale, rotate, and so on, which can be used to manipulate the image.

Getting ready

To add sprites to the scene, we will first import the background image in to our project.

How to do it…

Add the following code to the init function right below where we added backgroundColorNode:

//Basic CCSprite - Background Image

CCSprite* backgroundImage = [CCSpritespriteWithImageNamed:@"Bg.png"];

backgroundImage.position = CGPointMake(winSize.width/2, 

Here, we will take the Bg image and add it as a child to the current scene. From the Resources folder of the chapter, we will drag the Bg-ipad.png and Bg-ipadhd.png files into the Resources/Published-iOS folder of the project.

We still have to make a small change in the CCBReader.m file. In the Search inspector, search for the CCFileUtilsSearchMode text, and in place of CCFileUtilsSearchModeDirectory, make the text CCFileUtilsSearchModeSuffix.

This will change the searchmode file from the folder to suffix mode.

How it works…

If you build and run now, you will see an image similar to the following screenshot. This way, we can display sprites on the scene.