Agents' movement

As all agents within the sandbox are automatically simulated through the physics system, it's time to get acquainted with some basic Newtonian physics.


The mass of an agent comes into play when colliding with other objects and is based on how much the agent should accelerate based on the forces applied to the agent. All mass calculations within the sandbox occur in kilograms.


Speed defines how fast an agent is moving without considering the direction the agent is moving in. All speed values within the sandbox will be measured in meters per second and signify the magnitude of the velocity vector.


Velocity, on the other hand, is both the speed and direction the agent is moving in. It is measured in meters per second and is represented as a vector.


Acceleration within the sandbox is always measured in meters per second squared and represents the change in the velocity of an agent.


Force plays a large part when moving agents around and is measured in Newtons:

Newtons = kilograms * meters / second 2

Whenever a force is applied to an object, the object will either accelerate or decelerate based on the objects mass.

It is important to understand the values the sandbox works with to gain an intuitive understanding about values such as speed, distance, and mass.