Applying a master page to a device channel

Once a device channel has been created, it can be configured to use as a different site master page rather than the default site master page. For instance, browsers targeted by a mobile device channel could display the content using the oslo master page whereas all other browsers could display the same content using the seattle master page.

The System Master Page is configured for all device channels and cannot be configured for individual device channels.

How to do it...

Follow these steps to apply a master page to a device channel:

  1. Navigate to the site in your preferred web browser.
  2. Select Site settings from the Settings menu.
  3. Select Master page from the Look and Feel section.
  4. Specify which Site Master Page to use for each device channel.
    How to do it...
  5. Click on Save.

How it works...

The master page to device channel mappings are stored in the _catalogs/masterpages/__DeviceChannelMappings.aspx file as XML within the root site of a site collection. For each incoming browser web request, this file is used by SharePoint to determine which master page to use with the content returned to the browser.

How it works...

There's more...

A device channel mapping may also be configured with PowerShell or with code using the server-side object model. In this recipe, these two methods are similar. However, the .NET reflection methods used are slightly different. When an object is instantiated with reflection in PowerShell, its public properties and methods become available to the command line. However, when an object is instantiated with reflection in the .NET code, each property and method needs to be searched for before being able to access them.


The methods that provide the functionality to configure the device channel mappings are not publicly exposed in the SharePoint assemblies. As a result, we will use the .NET reflection to instantiate the objects required. It is important to note that non-public classes in the SharePoint assemblies can change between SharePoint versions and updates without notice. Using reflection tools, such as .NET Reflector ( and dotPeek (, we can browse the assemblies to adjust the references accordingly.

Applying a master page to a device channel using PowerShell

Follow these steps to apply a master page to a device channel using PowerShell:

  1. Load the Microsoft.SharePoint.dll and Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.dll assemblies into the PowerShell session.
    [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom("C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\Web Server Extensions\15\ISAPI\Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.dll")
    [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom("C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\Web Server Extensions\15\ISAPI\Microsoft.SharePoint.dll")
  2. Get the object types for the parameters that will be used when getting the class constructor for the MasterPageMappingsFile object and later instantiating the object.
    $typeWeb = [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPWeb]
    $typeBool = [System.Boolean]
    $typeMappingFile = [System.Type]::GetType("Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.Mobile.MasterPageMappingsFile, Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c")
  3. Create an array of the object types.
    $consMappingFileParams = ($typeWeb, $typeBool, $typeWeb)
  4. Get the class constructor for the MasterPageMappingsFile object.
    $consMappingFile = $typeMappingFile.GetConstructor($consMappingFileParams)
  5. Create an array of the parameters required to instantiate the MasterPageMappingsFile object.
    $mappingFileParams = [System.Array]::CreateInstance([System.Object], 3)
    $mappingFileParams[0] = (Get-SPSite http://sharepoint/sitecollection).RootWeb
    $mappingFileParams[1] = $false
    $mappingFileParams[2] = $null


    When invoking a constructor to create an instance of a .NET object in PowerShell, we have to create a System.Object array rather than using a PowerShell array. Even though the base class for a PowerShell array is System.Object[], when calling the Invoke method on the class constructor, it will see it as a PSObject object instead. The same goes for the SPWeb object we are passing as the first parameter. .NET will see the object as a PSObject object instead of a SPWeb object if we use Get-SPWeb. However, if we get the SPWeb object from the SPSite object, it will not get treated as a PSObject object.

  6. Invoke the class constructor to create an instance of the MasterPageMappingsFile object.
    $mappingFile = $consMappingFile.Invoke($mappingFileParams)
  7. Set the MasterPageUrl property for the device channel on the MasterPageMappingsFile object.
    $mappingFile["PowerShell"].MasterPageUrl = "/_catalogs/masterpage/oslo.master"
  8. Save the changes using the UpdateSingleChannel method.

Applying a master page to a device channel with code using the server-side object model

Follow these steps to apply a master page to a device channel with code using the server-side object model:


A reference to the Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.dll assembly is required for this recipe.

  1. Get the site collection in a using statement.
    using (var site = new SPSite("http://sharepoint/sitecollection"))
  2. Get the root site of the site collection in a using statement.
    using (var web = site.RootWeb)
  3. Get the object type that will be used when getting the class constructor for the MasterPageMappingsFile object and later instantiating the object.
    var typeMappingFile = Type.GetType("Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.Mobile.MasterPageMappingsFile, Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c");
  4. Get the class constructor for the MasterPageMappingsFile object.
    var consMappingFile = typeMappingFile.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(SPWeb), typeof(bool), typeof(SPWeb) });
  5. Invoke the constructor to create an instance of the MasterPageMappingsFile object.
    var mappingFile = consMappingFile.Invoke(new object[] { web, false, null });
  6. Get the mappings field of the MasterPageMappingsFile object, and cast the field as an IDictionary.
    var mappings = (IDictionary)typeMappingFile.GetField("mappings", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(mappingFile);
  7. Set the MasterPageUrl property for the device channel on the mappings field.
    mappings["PowerShell"].GetType().GetProperty("MasterPageUrl", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public).SetValue(mappings["PowerShell"], "/_catalogs/masterpage/seattle.master", null);
  8. Set the mappings field of the MasterPageMappingsFile object.
    typeMappingFile.GetField("mappings", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).SetValue(mappingFile, mappings);
  9. Get the UpdateSingleChannel method from the type of the MasterPageMappingsFile object.
    var updateMethod = typeMappingFile.GetMethod("UpdateSingleChannel", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public, null, new Type[] { typeof(string) }, null);
  10. Save the changes by invoking the UpdateSingleChannel method.
    updateMethod.Invoke(mappingFile, new object[] { "Code" });

See also