- 新编汉英中医药分类词典
- 谢竹藩 谢方
- 587字
- 2025-02-18 08:44:01

Born in 1924, Prof. Zhufan Xie is the honorary director of the Institute of Integrative Medicine, Peking University. In 1980, he edited the first Chinese-English dictionary on traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) terminologies, namely Common Terms of Traditional Chinese Medicine in English, with Prof. Xiaokai Huang. In 1987, he edited “TCM Terminologies”, a chapter of The Chinese-English Medical Dictionary, and was awarded twice by the Ministry of Health due to immense response from the readers. He was the main person who drafted the international standards on translation of TCM terminologies for both the World Health Organization (WHO) and World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (WFCMS). He was recognized as “the leading core among the experts” by WHO, and was bestowed the title of the honorary chairman of the first translation committee of WFCMS.

谢方博士,1966年生,北京大学中西医结合研究所客座教授,药物研究专家,师从谢竹藩教授学习中医。曾编著《漫话中医—气》,从自然科学的角度解读中医;并与谢竹藩教授合著英文著作Contemporary Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine(《打开中医之门:针对西方读者的中医导论》)和《中医英语问诊900句》(汉英对照),用英文和西方人能够接受的思维方式解释中医的精髓。
Born in 1966, Dr. Fang Xie is a visiting professor of the Institute of Integrative Medicine, Peking University. With the background in pharmaceutical sciences, he has studied TCM under the guidance of Prof. Zhufan Xie . He authored A Chat About TCM - Qi, intending to elucidate TCM from an angle of natural sciences. In addition, he coauthored with Prof. Zhufan Xie Contemporary Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine (in English) and Talking to Patients 900 (bilingual), aiming to deliver the essence of TCM to the western world using concise English and expressions that are readily acceptable by western mentality.