
[词语]a/the fall guy


[趣释]【运动竞技】“倒霉蛋”(fall guy)一词直译是“挨摔的家伙”。19世纪末,职业摔跤运动风靡整个美国,许多比赛的输赢都是事先决定的。如果一方摔跤运动员同意摔轻一些,另一方摔跤运动员就答应被摔倒(take a fall)。但胜者往往不守信用,把对手摔得很重。在这种情况下,输者就被称作倒霉蛋“fall guy”挨摔的家伙。后来,“倒霉蛋”(a/the fall guy)被用在其他领域,喻指替罪羊、替死鬼,容易上当受骗的人。

[运用]The police arrested a fall guy. The real crooks are still free. 警察逮到一个替死鬼,真正的歹徒仍在逍遥法外。

He happens to be the fall guy in case things go wrong. 万一出了差错,他恰巧是替罪羊。

Cynics say that MPs have made the speaker the fall guy for their own avarice. 玩世不恭者说,议员们让议长成为自己贪欲的替罪羊。

He was a very unpleasant person—he would always use his friend Peter as a fall guy if things went wrong. 他是个十分可恶的家伙,出了岔子,他总拿朋友彼得当替罪羊。