
[词语]to make hay of sth.


[趣释]【物事喻指】刚割下牧草,需要放在阳光下晒成干草(hay),才能打捆保存。晒干时,牧草摊满一地,并且还要不时翻动,弄得乱糟糟的。后来,“把某物弄成翻晒干草的模样”(to make hay of sth.)喻指弄的得一团糟、打乱(计划、安排)、摧毁(观点、意见)等。这条成语可谓言简意赅,形象生动。

[运用]Oh, how you are making hay of my things! 嘿,你把我的东西弄得多么乱啊!

He made hay of your arguments in two minutes. 不到两分钟,他就把你的论点驳得体无完肤。

All your plans for a continental holiday will be made hay of if the bank won't advance the money. 要是银行不肯借支钱,你去大陆度假计划就全给打乱了。

The heavy rain made hay of our plans to have picnic on the beach. 大雨打乱了我们在沙滩上野餐的计划。