第六节 理论评述和未来研究方向






[1]Olzak,S.,“Contemporary Ethnic Mobilization”,Annual Review of Sociology,Vol.9,No.1,1983,p.355.


[3]Della Porta,D.andMario Diani,Social Movements: An Introduction,NJ: John Wiley & Sons,2009,p.6.


[5]Geertz,C.,“The Integrative Revolution: Primordial Sentiments and Civil Politics in the New States”,Old Societies and New States: The Quest for Modernity in Asia and Africa,Ed.by Geertz,C.,London: Free Press of Glencoe,1963,pp.105-119.

[6]Hannan,M.,“The Dynamics of Ethnic Boundaries in Modern States”,National Development and the World System: Educational,Economic,and Politi cal Change,1950-1970,Ed.by Meyer,J.and Michael T.Hannan,Chicago: University of Chicago Press,1979,p.24.

[7]Ragin,C.,“Ethnic Politi cal Mobilization: the Welsh Case”,American Sociologi cal Review,Vol.44,No.4,1979,p.626.

[8]Hechter,M.,Internal Colonialism: The Celtic Fringe in British National Development,California: University of California Press,1975,p.8.

[9]Vermeersch,P.,The Romani Movement: Minority Politics and Ethnic Mobilization in Contemporary Central Europe,New York: Berghahn Books,2006,p.33.

[10]Institute of Dayakologi Research and Development,“The Role of Adat in the Dayak andMadurese War”,paper presented at the 11th Conference of INFID(International NGO Forum on Indonesian Development)in Bonn,May 1998.

[11]Dove,M.,“‘New Barbarism' or Old Agency among the Dayak?”Identifying with Freedom: Indonesia after Suharto,Ed.by Day,T.,New York: Berghahn,2007,p.79.

[12]Sjaf,S.,Politik Etnik: Dinamika Lokal di Kendari,Jakarta: Yayasan Pustaka Obor Indonesia,2014.

[13]Hechter,M.,Internal Colonialism: The Celtic Fringe in British National Development,California: University of California Press,1975,p.xvi.

[14]Gellner,E.,Thought and Change,Chicago: University of Chicago Press,1964,p.168.

[15]Ragin,C.,“Ethnic Politi cal Mobilization: the Welsh Case”,American Sociologi cal Review,Vol.44,No.4,1979,p.627.

[16]Hechter,M.,Internal Colonialism: The Celtic Fringe in British National Development,California: University of California Press,1975,p.42.

[17]Hechter,M.,Internal Colonialism: The Celtic Fringe in British National Development,p.xvi.

[18]Bertrand,J.,Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict in Indonesia,Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2004,p.32.

[19]Van Klinken,G.,Communal Violence and Democratization in Indonesia: Small Town Wars,London: Routledge,2007.

[20]Van Klinken,G.,“Indonesia's New Ethnic Elites”,in Schulte Nordholt,Henk and Abdullah,Irwan eds,Indonesia: In Search of Transition,Pustaka Pelajar,Yogyakarta,2002,pp.67-105.

[21]Kimura,E.,Politi cal Change and Territoriality in Indonesia: Provincial Proliferation,Oxon:Routledge,2013.

[22]Damanik,E.,“Contestation of Ethnic Identity in Forming Ethno-territorial Pakpak Bharat Regency,North Sumatra”,Internatinal Journal of Sociology and Anthropology,Vol.2,No.2,2016,pp.1-15.

[23]Meyer,D.,“Tending the Vineyard: Cultivating Politi cal Process Research”,Sociologi cal Forum,Vol.14,No.1,1999,p.82.

[24]Barth,F.,Ethnic Groups and Boundaries: The Social Organization of Culture Difference,IL:Waveland Press,1998.

[25]Cohen,A.,Custom and Politics in Urban Africa: a Study of Hausa Migrants in Yoruba Towns,Oxon: Routledge,2004.


[27]Nagel,J.and Susan Olzak,“Ethnic Mobilization in New and Old States: An Extension of the Competition Model”,Social Problems,Vol.30,No.2,1982,p.132.

[28]Hannan,M.,“The Dynamics of Ethnic Boundaries in Modern States”,National Development and the World System: Educational,Economic,and Politi cal Change,1950-1970,Ed.by Meyer,J.and Michael T.Hannan,Chicago: University of Chicago Press,1979,p.31.

[29]Smith,A.,The Ethnic Revival,CUP Archive,1981,p.126.

[30]Roeder,R.,“Soviet Federalism and Ethnic Mobilization”,World Politics,Vol.43,No.2,1991,pp.196-232.

[31]Hefner,R.,Civil Islam and Democratization in Indonesia,NJ: Princeton University Press,2000,p.167.

[32]见Barker,J.,“State of Fear: Controlling the Criminal Contagion in Suharto's New Order”,Indonesia,Vol.66,1998,pp.7-43.Ryter,L.,“Pemuda Pancasila: The Last Loyalist Freemen of Suharto's Order?”Indonesia,Vol.66,1998,pp.45-73.

[33]梁孙逸:《后苏哈托时代的印尼军人政治》,《东南亚研究》2010年第5期;Harwell,E.,The Unnatural History of Culture: Ethnicity,Tradition and Territorial Conflicts in West Kalimantan,Indonesia,1800-1997,Dissertation,Yale University,2000.

[34]Aragon,L.,“Communal Violence in Poso,Central Sulawesi: Where People Eat Fish and Fish Eat People”,Indonesia,Vol.72,2001,pp.45-79.

[35]Aragon,L.,“Communal Violence in Poso,Central Sulawesi: Where People Eat Fish and Fish Eat People”,Indonesia,Vol.72,2001,pp.45-79.

[36]Van Klinken,G.,“TheMaluku Wars: Bringing Society Back In”,Indonesia,Vol.71,2001,pp.1-26.

[37]Van Klinken,G.,“Indonesia's New Ethnic Elites”,Indonesia: In Search of Transition,Ed.by Nordholt,H.and Irwan Abdullah,Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar,2002,pp.67-105.

[38]Horowitz,D.,Ethnic Groups in Conflict,Berkeley,California: Univ of California Press,1985;Sjaf,S.,Politik Etnik: Dinamika Lokal di Kendari,Jakarta: Yayasan Pustaka Obor Indonesia,2014.

[39]新自治区分立的案例大部分体现了族群竞争,是地方精英为了竞争资源领导的族群动员,少部分案例符合反应性族群动员理论,即族群中的大多数人为了摆脱被边缘化的地位而进行的动员,也有极少的案例兼具两种理论视角,见Roth,D.,“Gubernur Banyak,Provinsi Tak Ada: Berebut Provinsi Di Daerah Luwu-Tana Toraja Di Sulawesi Selatan”,Politik Lokal Di Indonesia,Ed.by Nordholt,H.and Gerry Van Klinken,Jakarta: KITLV,2007,pp.154-188.

[40]Magenda,B.,“The Surviving Aristocracy in Indonesia: Politics in Three Provinces of the Outer Islands”,Ph.D.dissertation,Ithaca: Cornell University,1989,pp.50-55.

[41]Kimura,E.,Politi cal Change and Territoriality in Indonesia: Provincial Proliferation,Oxon:Routledge,2013; Vel,J.,“Campaigning for a New District in West Sumba”,Renegotiating Boundaries;Lo cal Politics in Post-Suharto Indonesia,Ed.by Nordholt,H.and Gerry van Klinken,Leiden: KITLV Press,2007,pp.91-119.


[43]Asal,Victor,et al.,“Politi cal Exclusion,Oil,and Ethnic Armed Conflict”,Journal of Conflict Resolution,Vol.60,No.8,2016,pp.1343-1367.

[44]Vermeersch,P.,The Romani Movement: Minority Politics and Ethnic Mobilization in Contemporary Central Europe,New York: Berghahn books,2006,p.31.

[45]Barany,Z.,“Ethnic Mobilization Without Prerequisites: The East European Gypsies”,World Politics,Vol.54,No.3,2002,pp.280-281.

[46]Snyder,J.,From Voting to Violence: Democratization and Nationalist Conflict,NY:W.W.Norton Company,2000,p.80.


[48]McAdam,D.,Politi cal Process and the Development of Black Insurgency,1930-1970,Chicago: University of Chicago Press,1982.

[49]Meyer,D.and Debra C.Minkoff,“Operationalizing Politi cal Opportunity”,Annual Meeting of the American Sociologi cal Association,Toronto,Ontario,August,1997.

[50]Kriesi,H.et al.,“New Social Movements and Politi cal Opportunities in Western Europe”,European Journal of Politi cal Research,Vol.22,No.2,1992,p.220.

[51]Collier,R.and David Collier,“Criti cal Junctures and Histori cal Legacies”,Shaping the Politi cal Arena: Criti cal Junctures,the Labor Movement,and Regime Dynamics in Latin America,Ed.by Collier,R.and David Collier,NJ: Princeton UP,1991,p.29.

[52]Bertrand,J.,Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict in Indonesia,Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2004.

[53]Van Klinken,G.,Communal Violence and Democratization in Indonesia: Small Town Wars,London: Routledge,2007.

[54]Davidson,J.,From Rebellion to Riots: Collective Violence on Indonesian Borneo,Madison,Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin Press,2008.

[55]Sangaji,A.,“Aparat Keamanan dan Kekerasan Regional Poso”,Politik Lokal Di Indonesia,Ed.by Nordholt,H.and Gerry Van Klinken,Jakarta: KITLV,2007,pp.339-374.



[58]Barany,Z.,“Ethnic Mobilization Without Prerequisites: The East European Gypsies”,World Politics,Vol.54,No.3,2002,pp.277-307.

[59]Roeder,R.,“Soviet Federalism and Ethnic Mobilization”,World Politics,Vol.43,No.2,1991,pp.196-232.

[60]Ragin,C.,“Ethnic Politi cal Mobilization: the Welsh Case”,American Sociologi cal Review,Vol.44,No.4,1979,pp.619-635.

[61]Hechter,M.,Internal Colonialism: The Celtic Fringe in British National Development,California: University of California Press,1975,p.298.

[62]Bertrand,J.,Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict in Indonesia,Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2004.

[63]Bamba,J.,“The Role of Adat in the Dayak andMadurese War”,Paper to INFID conference,Bonn,Germany,1998,p.4.

[64]Van Klinken,G.,“Indonesia's New Ethnic Elites”,Indonesia: In Search of Transition,Ed.by Nordholt,H.and Irwan Abdullah,Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar,2002,pp.67-105.

[65]Fearon,J.and David D.Laitin,“Ethnicity,Insurgency,and Civil War”,American Politi cal Science Review,Vol.97,No.1,2003,pp.75-90; Vanhanen,T.,“Domestic Ethnic Conflict and Ethnic Nepotism: A Comparative Analysis”,Journal of Peace Research,Vol.36,No.1,1999,pp.55-73; Sambanis,N.,“Do Ethnic and Non-ethnic Civil Wars Have the Same Causes? A Theoreti cal and Empiri cal Inquiry(part 1)”,Journal of Conflict Resolution,Vol.45,No.3,2001,pp.259-282.

[66]Nagel,J.and Susan Olzak,“Ethnic Mobilization in New and Old States: An Extension of the Competition Model”,Social Problems,Vol.30,No.2,1982,p.133.


[68]Davidson,J.,From Rebellion to Riots: Collective Violence on Indonesian Borneo,Madison,Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin Press,2008.

[69]Nagel,J.and Susan Olzak,“Ethnic Mobilization in New and Old States: An Extension of the Competition Model”,Social Problems,Vol.30,No.2,1982,p.137.

[70]Scheinman,L.,“The Interfaces of Regionalism in Western Europe: Brussels and the Peripheries”,Ethnic Conflict in the Western World,Ed.by Esman,M.,Ithaca,NY: Cornell University Press,1977,pp.65-80.

[71]Bertrand,J.,Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict in Indonesia,Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2004,p.14.

[72]Teune,H.and Adam Przeworski,The Logic of Comparative Social Inquiry,New York: Wiley-Interscience,1970.