




书名原文:The Cambridge History of China,Vol.5:Part 1,The Sung Dynasty and Its Precursors,907-1279

ISBN 978-7-5203-2708-4

Ⅰ.①剑… Ⅱ.①崔…②史…③宋… Ⅲ.①中国历史—宋代 Ⅳ.①K244


出版人 赵剑英

责任编辑 宋燕鹏

责任校对 冯英爽

责任印制 李寡寡

出版 中国社会科学出版社

社址 北京鼓楼西大街甲158号

邮编 100720

网址 http://www.csspw.cn

发行部 010-84083685

门市部 010-84029450

经销 新华书店及其他书店

印刷装订 北京市十月印刷有限公司

版次 2020年12月第1版

印次 2020年12月第1次印刷

开本 650×960 1/16

印张 58.25

字数 932千字

定价 198.00元



版权所有 侵权必究

This is a Simplified-Chinese translation edition of the following title published by Cambridge University Press:

The Cambridge History of China,Vol.5:Part 1,The Sung Dynasty and Its Precursors, 907-1279

ISBN 978-0521812481

©Cambridge University Press 2009

This Simplified-Chinese translation edition for the People's Republic of China(excluding Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan)is published by arrangement with the Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge, Cambridge,United Kingdom.

©Cambridge University Press and China Social Sciences Press 2020

This Simplified-Chinese translation edition is authorized for sale in the People's Republic of China(excluding Hong Kong,Macau and Taiwan) only. Unauthorised export of this Simplified-Chinese translation edition is a violation of the Copyright Act. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of Cambridge University Press and China Social Sciences Press.

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