▷▷▷第一节 新经济的内涵与定义
Section One Connotation and Definition of New Economy


1. Connotation of New Economy

第一阶段:“新经济”一词最早是由美国《时代周刊》1983年在一篇封面文章中提出的。13年后,1996年12月30日出版的美国《商业周刊》发表了一组文章,对新经济首次进行了定义:新经济是指借由经济全球化浪潮所产生的,由信息技术革命驱动,以高科技产业为龙头的经济体系。其特征是实际 GDP 大幅增长,公司运营利润上升,失业率降低,通货膨胀率降低,进出口之和占 GDP 的比例上升,GDP 增长中高科技的贡献度比重上升①。这个定义是为20世纪90年代初到2001年互联网泡沫期间的美国经济量身定制的。它有两大背景:一是以互联网大规模商用为代表的信息技术革命;二是以产业分工向纵深推进、产业链急剧跨国延伸和国际贸易突飞猛进为主要特征的全球化。

The first stage: The term“new economy”was first put forward in a cover article of Time in 1983. Thirteen years later, Business Week published a series of articles on December 30,1996, which defined the new economy for the first time: the new economy refers to the economic system generated by the tide of economic globalization, driven by the information technology revolution and led by high-tech industries. It is characterized by the substantial growth of real GDP, the increase of company operating profit, the decrease of unemployment rate and inflation rate, the rise of the proportion of the sum of import and export in GDP, and the increase of the contribution of high technology in GDP growth.This definition is customized for the US economy during Internet Bubble from early 1990s to the 2001. It has two backgrounds: one is the information technology revolution represented by the large-scale commercial use of the Internet; the other is the globalization characterized by the deepening of industrial division, the rapid transnational extension of industrial chain and the rapid development of international trade.


The second stage: extensive interpretation of the concept“new economy”in the theoretical circle. According to the description of the Party Central Committee, theorists began to study the new economy. Scholars generally believe that under the background of“new normal”of China's economy, the connotation of“new economy”is more extensive, which means the phenomena such as the development of derivative industries and the transformation of economic power sources caused by the rapid development of various high technologies. Domestic understanding of“new economy”has gone through several stages. The first stage: the Central Committee of CPC strategic plan for the“new economy”. General Secretary Xi Jinping said in his speech at the International Conference on Engineering Technology in 2014 that the world is entering a new stage of economic development. In 2015, it was mentioned again that the new round of industrial and technological revolution in the world was giving birth to new technology, new economy and new form of business, creating opportunities for China's economic development. In 2016, Premier Li Keqiang proposed at the fourth session of the 12th National People's Congress that“we should cultivate new growth driver, develop new economy, and promote the growth of new technologies, new industries, and new form of business”. In the same year, he wrote“new economy”into the government work report. In the same time, Premier Li Keqiang first expounded the connotation of the new economy: the new economy involves the primary, the secondary and tertiary industry, not only referring to the new tertiary industries such as“Internet plus”, Internet of things, cloud computing, e-commerce, but also including intelligent manufacturing in industrial manufacturing, large-scale customized production. It also involves family farms conducive to promoting moderate scale operation, joint-stock cooperative system, and the integration of three industries.


The rise of“new economy”is due to a new round of scientific and technological and industrial revolution, which leads to new activities of production, exchange, consumption and distribution. These activities are manifested in the progress of the human mode of production, the change of economic structure, and the replacement of the old economic model by the new economic model. The essence of“new economy”is to create new production relations, to tap new growth points and to promote China's economic development by upgrading economic structure. The above understanding of the concept of new economy is too broad in boundary, too general in connotation and too vague in standard to carry out accurate policy design.


The third stage: the concrete description of“new economy”in practice. At present, many cities have made the relevant plan of the new economy. For example, Shanghai proposes the development of“Four New”economy - new technologies, new industries, new form of business and new models; Shenzhen builds a world-class electronic information industry ecosystem; Hangzhou creates“Internet plus”innovation and entrepreneurship center. Due to the different emphases of developing new economy in different regions, scholars'understanding of new economy tends to be specific: some people think that the so-called“new economy”is knowledge economy, information economy and virtual economy; some scholars summarize new economy as Internet economy, Internet of things economy and big data economy; some local government staff understand“new economy”as digital economy and intelligent economy, sharing economy and so on. The above understanding of new economy does not form a holistic and systematic view of new economy due to their one-sided description.


The fourth stage: “Chengdu's Definition”of new economy. In recent years, based on its own reality and combined with the development experience of international and domestic advanced cities, Chengdu has decided to focus on the“six major forms”of digital economy, intelligent economy, green economy, creative economy, flow economy and sharing economy, and strive to build a real service economy, smart city construction, scientific and technological innovation and entrepreneurship, human capital collaboration, consumption upgrading, green and low-carbon construction and modern supply chain innovation, the“seven application scenescapes”. Chengdu is committed to lead new economic discourse, build scenescapes cultivation places, ecological innovation zones, and construct the most suitable city for new economic development. At present,“new economy”has become a strong promoter of high-quality development, an essential creator of high-quality life and a strong participant in Chengdu's efficient governance. With the development of practice, Chengdu's understanding of“new economy”is gradually systematic and deepened.


2. Definition of New Economy


First, “new economy”is a dynamic and iterative concept. New economy is a dynamic concept — new economy is always relative to the traditional economy. In different historical stages, new economy has different specific connotations. Compared with the previous industrial revolution, the fourth industrial revolution was carried out at an exponential and nonlinear speed. During this period, technology changed rapidly in varieties. New technologies and patents were formed almost every day, and the economic form was always in a constant state of upgrading. Most of the products / services used to be new economy, but with the emergence of large-scale production, similar goods and competitors, and of newer products / services, they gradually become part of the traditional economy. Therefore, the new economy should“represent the frontier, direction, trend and future”.


Second, “new economy”is an economic form. Economic form exists in some industries and fields, not in the whole economies. New economy is only a part, but not the whole of economy - it must be supported, based on supported by the traditional economy, and it cannot completely separate from the traditional economy. The new economy exists not only in the tertiary industry, but also in the secondary industry and even in the primary industry and makes the boundaries between the three industries tend to be blurred. Any new supply that can meet the people's growing needs for a better life and bring its own demand can belong to new economy. It may be manifested as products or services, and more likely to integrate products and services.


Third, the core of“new economy”is integration and innovation. Compared with the traditional economy, the prominent feature of new economy is to transform science and technology into efficient productive forces, which will lead to the revolutionary development of social productive forces. The digital revolution transforms and upgrades the traditional economy by integrating and applying new digital and intelligent technologies, which has the most extensive influence on the global industrial transformation. It has spawned new industries in various fields, such as e-commerce, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, new energy, Internet of things, etc. Benefiting from the rapid development of information technology, the application frequency of new technology in various industries has been accelerated, and the penetration of new technology has been deepened, forming a new organizational form of integration of technology, industry and trade.


Fourth, the goal of“new economy”is to create demand. “Creating demand”is actually to meet the latent and objective needs that are not met by the existing products / services. New economy can actively discover and use unconventional methods to meet such needs or solve the difficulties in the application of products / services. The essence of new economy is to further satisfy people's yearning for a better life. As long as science and technology progress, human society's behavior will continue to optimize and upgrade according to the characteristics of human nature, which will lead to the improvement of business logic and the continuous reorganization of social order and mean the continuous emergence of new economy.


Based on the above consensus, this book defines the term as: the new economy is an economic phenomenon and not entirely a technological phenomenon. It is an economic form with the evolution paradigm from technology to economy, the generation and connection from virtual economy to real economy, the deep bonding between capital and technology, and the interaction between scientific and technological innovation and institutional innovation.

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