- 血液肿瘤实验室检查合理选择
- 邰文琳 James Huang主编
- 365字
- 2025-02-16 14:57:26
Silvia Tse(Xie) Bunting 谢秀燕 (Moffitt Cancer Center)
Weina Chen 陈维娜 (University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center)
Xia Chen 陈 霞 (Beaumont Health and Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine)
Guang Fan 范 光 (Oregon Health & Science University)
Kai Fu 傅 凯 (University of Nebraska Medical Center)
Jerald Gong 龚祖寅 (Thomas Jefferson University)
Xin Han 韩 欣 (University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center)
Suyang Hao 郝苏阳 (The Houson Methodist Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical College)
James Huang 黄志严 (Beaumont Health and Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine)
Ying Li 李 英 (University of Florida School of Medicine)
Wei Liu 刘 伟 (University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center)
Chuanyi Mark Lu 卢传义 (University of California San Francisco School of Medicine)
Zenggang Pan 潘增刚 (Yale University School of Medicine)
Endi Wang 王恩第 (Duke University Medical Center)
Huan-You Wang 王焕友 (University of California San Diego Health System)
Jun Wang 汪 军 (Loma Linda University Medical Center)
Ming Xie 谢 明 (Beaumont Health and Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine)
Min Xu 许 敏 (Seattle Children’s Hospital and University of Washington)
Xiangdong Xu 许向东 (University of California San Diego Health System)
Ken He Young 何旭华 (Duke University Medical Center and Duke Cancer Center)
Zhou Yu 于 宙 (Beaumont Health and Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine)
Ji Yuan 袁 佶 (University of Nebraska Medical Center)
Linsheng Zhang 张林生 (Emory University School of Medicine)
Qian Yun Zhang 张茜云 (University of New Mexico School of Medicine)
Weiqiang Zhao 赵伟强 (Ohio State University School of Medicine)
Jiehao Zhou 周杰昊 (Indiana University School of Medicine)