- 读英国《金融时报》学英语(十)(英国《金融时报》特辑)
- 英国《金融时报》
- 383字
- 2022-06-02 12:37:11
08 近一半富时350成份股公司因脱欧而“受损”

Almost half of FTSE 350 companies described post-Brexit trading arrangements with the EU as “damaging” but nearly all remained optimistic about their own prospects and the wider economic outlook, according to an analysis backed by the Financial Times.
Other issues raised by respondents to the latest FTSE 350 Boardroom Bellwether survey included challenges on executive hiring due to pandemic-related pressure to restrain pay and slow progress in adopting net zero carbon strategies.
Twice as many FTSE 250 companies felt that there had been some damage from Brexit compared to those in the FTSE 100, showing that the impact has been felt most keenly by more domestically focused smaller businesses rather than the large international groups that typically occupy the top tier of the stock market.