- “青年汉学家研修计划”论文精选集.2018
- 文化和旅游部国际交流与合作局 中外文化交流中心
- 2869字
- 2025-02-15 14:47:13
Among the researches on China’s outbound tourists and Chinese tourists to Thailand at present,most of them focus on economic influence brought by tourists and behaviors of tourists,rare of them focuses on Chinese tourists and their influence to the place of tourist destination and Chinese tourists’ image. I believe that this thesis will provide reference for the research in this field in the future.
China has become the largest source country of outbound tourists for Thailand currently. With the rapid increase in the number of Chinese tourists and the influence of Chinese tourists,Thailand has focused on Chinese tourists continuously. It’s found out in the research that,the number of articles on Chinese tourists increases and the focus level ascends on Thailand’s leading media. And Thailand’s focus on Chinese tourists mainly concentrates on economy and the focus on social influence is less. Seen from news reports on Thailand’s leading media,Chinese tourists has substantial influence to Thai social culture,but such influence level and influence scope are not so large as imaged.
Thai society takes a tolerant attitude to Chinese tourists’uncivilized behaviors still,which is derived from Thailand’s kind and tolerant national character from one side and economic benefits brought by Chinese tourists from the other side. Thailand’s leading media has not amplified and excessively spread Chinese tourists’uncivilized behaviors,but made neutral and positive report.
Chinese tourists don’t know Thai culture and custom and result in cultural conflict. Chinese tourists are criticized due to uncivilized behaviors in Thailand from one side and they don’t know Thai culture and custom from the other side. Thailand shows that it understands this phenomenon and advertises Thailand through more channels to enable Chinese tourists to know Thailand better.
Thai tourist market has made changes in Chinese tourists. Thailand has made indication board in Chinese for Chinese tourists and increased the staff to guide Chinese tourists. Especially in Thailand’s airports,indication board in Chinese has become necessary. Thailand is training more Thai tourist professionals who can speak Chinese.
Thailand pays attention to Chinese tourists and Chinese tourist market and hopes to deliver a welcome attitude to Chinese tourists. It also hopes that the negative information on Chinese tourists on Thailand’s social network will not effect Chinese tourists. Thailand hopes to create a tourist industry in the manner of sustainable development and criticize the behavior of charging no fees to enable Chinese tourists to enjoy better tourist environment.
But Thailand’s attitude to Chinese tourists is not generally existed in other countries. Comparatively speaking,the influence of Chinese tourists’uncivilized behaviors to some countries’(including China)social culture is more obvious.
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