

Thror's Map


1 The Lonely Mountain | 孤山

2 Far to the North are the Grey Mountains and the Withered Heath whence came the Great Worms | 北方远处是灰色山脉与枯荒野,大虫们就是从那边来的

3 East lie the Iron Hills where is Dáin | 东方横陈着铁丘陵,戴因的领地

4 Here of Old was Thráin King under the Mountain | 这里从前是山下之王瑟莱因的领地

5 West lies Mirkwood the Great, there are Spiders | 西边横陈着庞大的黑森林,里面有蜘蛛

6 Here is Girion lord in Dale | 这里是河谷城的统治者吉瑞安的领地

7 the Running River | 奔流河

8 The Desolation of Smaug | 斯毛格荒地

9 Here is the gateway of the Long Lake | 这是通往长湖的入口

10 In Esgaroth upon the Long Lake dwell Men | 人类住在长湖上的埃斯加洛斯

11 Here flows the Forest River | 这是密林河

12 Elvenking | 精灵王