economic   [ˌi:kə'nɒmɪk]

adj. 经济的;经济上的

[英文释义]relating to trade,in-dustry and money

[记忆方法]来自economy(n. 经济)

[商务用语]economic climate 经济环境(剑2,Test 2,Reading,Part 5)economic situation 经济形势(剑2,Test 2,Reading,Part 5/剑2,Test 3,Writing,Part 1)

[真题例句]Bennetts is hopeful about the future because it ex-pects the economic situation to improve.(剑 2,Test 2,Reading,Part 5)


[真题例句]I would like you know that I will write about the company's economic situation and its future.(剑2,Test 3,Writing,Part 1)


economy class

[i'kɔnəmi klɑ:s]


[英文释义](using)the cheap-est and least comfortable type of seats on an aircraft

[真题例句]Employees flying to the USA will be given economy class seats.(剑2,Test 2,Read-ing,Part 1)


editor    ['edɪtə(r)]


[英文释义]a person who corrects or changes pieces of text or films before they are printed or shown,or a person who is in charge of a newspaper or magazine.

[商务用语]a magazine editor 一位杂志编辑(剑 2,Test 3,Listen-ing,Part 4)

effective   [ɪ'fektɪv]

adj. 能产生预期结果的;有效的

[英文释义]successful or achiev-ing the results that you want

[派生词汇]effectively adv. 有效地(剑3,Test 2,Listening,Part 3)

[商务用语]effective recruitment advertising 高效的招聘广告(剑 3,Test 3,Reading,Part 2)

[真题例句]Alexander owns an advertising agency and wants to make better use of his staff's skills by organising them into effective teams.(剑 2,Test 2,Reading,Part 2)


[真题例句]What makes an ad-vertisement effective?(剑3,Test 4,Speaking,Part 3)


efficient   [ɪ'fɪʃnt]

adj. 效率高的;有能力的;有效的;生效的

[英文释义]working or operating quickly and effectively in an orga-nized way

[记忆方法]ef(出来)+ fic(做)+ient(……的)→做就作出高效率→效率高的

[派生词汇]efficiently adv. 效率高地;有能力地;有效地;生效地(剑2,Test 1,Reading,Part 2)

[商务用语]Managing your own time efficiently 有效管理个人时间(剑2,Test 1,Reading,Part 2)

electrical   [ɪ'lektrɪkl]

adj. 电的;与电有关的

[英文释义]related to electricity

[商务用语]Electrical Engineers 电器工程师(剑3,Test 4,Reading,Part 2)

[真题例句]As you know,Den-nings is one of the leading chains of department stores in the coun-try,best known for its electrical goods…(剑 2,Test 3,Listening,Part 3)

[参考译文]众所周知,以销售电子产品而闻名于世的Dennings 零售集团是全国连锁百货销售行业的领军企业。

electronic   [ɪ lek'trɒnɪk]


[英文释义](especially of equip-ment)using,based on or used in a system of operation wich involves the control of electric current by various devices

[记忆方法]electron(电子)+ ic(形容词词尾)→电子的

[商务用语]electronics manufac-turing company 电子制造公司(剑2,Test 3,Reading,Part 3)elec-tronic files adapted for most soft-ware programmes 适用于大多数软件程序的电子文件(剑3,Test 3,Reading,Part 2)

[真题例句]They show the market share,annual turnover and share prices for eight electronics man-ufacturing companies between 1999 and 2002.(剑 2,Test 3,Reading,Part 3)

[参考译文]图表显示了 8 家电子制造公司在1999年至2002年之间的市场占有率、年营业额和股票价格。

[真题例句]Dr Shah wants to ar-range for medical supplies and electronic equipment to be sent our to his clinic in Bangladesh.(剑3,Test 4,Reading,Part 2)

[参考译文]Dr Shah 打算安排一下把医疗设备和电子用品运送到他在孟加拉国的诊所。

emergency  [ɪ'mɜ:dʒənsɪ]

n. 紧急情况;不测事件;突发事件

[英文释义]something dangerous or serious,such as an accident,which happens suddenly or un-expectedly and needs immediate action in order to avoid harmful results


[真题例句]There was an emer-gency in his office.(剑 2,Test 2,Listening,Part 1)


employ    [ɪm'plɔɪ]

v. 雇佣

[英文释义]to have someone work or do a job for you and pay them for it

[记忆方法]em(=en,里面)+ ploy(折叠)→卷入里面→雇佣

[真题例句]You know some com-panies employ people who anal-yse the handwriting of anyone applying for a job.(剑 2,Test 1,Listening,Part 4)


employee   [ɪm'plɔɪi:]

n. 受雇者,雇员

[英文释义]someone who is paid to work for someone else

[商务用语]employer-employee relations 劳资关系(剑 2,Test 2,Listening,Part 4)sharing knowl-edge with employees 与员工共享信息(剑2,Test 2,Reading,Part 2)

[真题例句]What really annoys me most is the time I spend showing new employees how to do the job.(剑2,Test 1,Listening,Part 4)


[真题例句]Brickworks Ltd invites employees and their families to an evening entertainment in Weston Park.(剑3,Test 3,Reading,Part 1)

[参考译文]Brickworks 有限公司诚邀所有员工及其家属参加在Weston Park举行的晚会。

[真题例句]… employers can ac-tually see what their employees are producing and then give them bonuses as appropriate.(剑 3,Test 3,Reading,Part 4)


[真题例句]Wolfgang Kuhlmann's director wants him to attend a talk on the benefits of updating employees' marketing skills.(剑4,Test 4,Read-ing,Part 2)

[参考译文]Wolfgang Kuhlmann 的上司想让他参加一个有关增强员工营销技能所带来的益处的会议。

employer   [ɪm'plɔɪə(r)]

n. 雇佣者,雇主

[英文释义]a person or organiza-tion that employs people

[商务用语]employer-employee relations 劳资关系(剑 2,Test 2,Listening,Part 4)

[真题例句]…employers can actually see what their employees are producing and then give them bonuses as appropriate.(剑 3,Test 3,Reading,Part 4)


employment agency

[im'plɔimənt 'eidʒənsi]


[英文释义]a business that finds suitable people to work for other businesses

[真题例句]Maybe Personnel would let us use an employment agency in future.(剑2,Test 1,Listening,Part 4)


[真题例句]This year the number of candidates recruited online was double the figure for the previous year,while the numbers recruited through employment agencies fell slightly.(剑 3,Test 1,Reading,Part 3)


enclosed   [in'kləuzd]

adj. 随函附上的;附上的

[英文释义]sent to someone in an envelope with a letter

[真题例句]To receive our free business publications,complete and return the enclosed form-up to three titles per company.(剑2,Test 4,Reading,Part 1)

[参考译文]要想获得免费的商业期刊 ,请填写完成并寄回内附表格 ,每家公司最多能申请3种期刊。

[真题例句]Maria,Enclosed is the schedule for this year's training days.(剑 4,Test 3,Reading,Part 1)


engineering  [ˌendʒɪ'nɪərɪŋ]

n. 工程设计;工程学,

[英文释义]the work of an engi-neer,or the study of this work


enormous   [i'nɔ:məs]

adj. 极大的;巨大的;庞大的

[英文释义]extremely large


enquiry    [ɪn'kwaɪərɪ]

n. 询问,打听

[英文释义](the process of asking)a question

[真题例句]Thank you for your enquiry about arranging a fac-tory visit for your management students.(剑 4,Test 1,Reading,Part 7)


enrol    [in'rəul]


[英文释义]to put yourself or some-one else onto the official list of mem-bers of a course,college or group


[真题例句]Staff wishing to enrol for the Accounts course should contact Jane Fellows,who needs to know numbers.(剑 2,Test 1,Reading,Part 1)

[参考译文]想要注册会计课程的员工必须联系Jane Fellows,因为她需要了解有注册意向的人数。

entertain   [entə'teɪn]

v. 使有兴趣;使快乐

[英文释义]to keep a group of people interested or amused

[记忆方法]enter(进入)+ tain(拿住)→拿着东西进去,一般是请客、送礼或要招待别人→请客,招待

[派生词汇]entertainer n.(以唱歌、讲笑话等娱悦大众的)表演者,艺人(剑2,Test 3,Reading,Part 2)enter-taining adj. 使人愉快的;有趣的(剑4,Test 4,Listening,Part 3)enter-tainment n. 娱乐,娱乐节目;娱乐表演(剑4,Test 3,Speaking,Part 3)

[商务用语]Evening entertain-ment 晚间娱乐活动(剑 4,Test 3,Speaking,Part 3)select and check availability of entertainers 挑选表演艺人 ,并确认其能否参加(剑2,Test 3,Reading,Part 2)

[真题例句]Why is it important to entertain company visitors?(剑4,Test 1,Speaking,Part 3)


enthusiastic  [ɪn θju:zi'æstɪk]

adj. 热心的;热情的;热衷的

[英文释义]showing enthusiasm

entrepreneur [ˌɒntrəprə'nɜ:(r)]


[英文释义]someone who starts their own business,especially when this involves risks

[记忆方法]entre(在……之间)+pren(抓,握取)+ eur(法语名词词尾)→把(事业)掌握在手中的人→企业家

entry    ['entrɪ]

n. 进入;加入,参加

[英文释义]when you enter a place or join a particular society or organization

[真题例句]A permit is currently required for entry to this area.(剑4,Test 1,Reading,Part 1)


envy     ['envɪ]

v. 羡慕;忌妒

[英文释义]to wish that you had something that another person has

[真题例句]They envy me be-cause I am reasonably well paid to

do something that I love doing.(剑3,Test 1,Reading,Part 5)


equip with   [i'kwip wið]


[英文释义]fit out with

[真题例句]They don't always want to invest in it,which is a pity,as the experience can equip people with skills that lead to promotion.(剑 4,Test 3,Listen-ing,Part 4)


equipment  [ɪ'kwɪpmənt]

n. 设备;器材;用具

[英文释义]the set of necessary tools,clothing,etc for a particular purpose

[记忆方法]en(=in,里面)+ viron(周围)+ ment(名词词尾)→环绕在周围→环境

[商务用语]Equipment for speakers 演讲所需设备(剑4,Test 3,Speak-ing,Part 3)

[真题例句]When Jim was made redundant from his full-time job selling equipment to sports orga-nizations,he realized he already knew plenty of people responsible for turnstiles.(剑2,Test 1,Read-ing,Part 5)


especially   [ɪ'speʃəli]

adv. 特别,尤其,格外;专门,特地

[英文释义]very much; particularly;for a particular reason

[真题例句]Especially the one about the woman whose company sells a game she invented herself.(剑2,Test 2,Listening,Part 1)


essential   [ɪ'senʃl]

adj. 必要的,必不可少的

[英文释义]necessary; needed

[记忆方法]ess(存在)+ential →存在的东西→要素;本质

[商务用语]Immediate availability essential. 要求能马上到岗(剑 2,Test 3,Reading,Part 1)

[真题例句]It is essential for appli-cants to have experience as store managers.(剑4,Test 1,Reading,Part 4)


[真题例句]Although it is essential for effective CRM to record cus-tomer database,the real skill is in-terpreting what your customers tell you and knowing what promises they think you have made.(剑 4,Test 3,Reading,Part 4)


established  [ɪ'stæblɪʃt]

adj. 确定的,证实的

[英文释义]already in use or ex-isting for a long period of time

[真题例句]Established customers with only qualify for price reduc-tions on large orders.(剑3,Test 1,Reading,Part 1)


exact    [ɪɡ'zækt]

adj. 精确的;确切的;正确的

[英文释义]in great detail,or com-plete,correct or true in every way;precise


[真题例句]IES executives often work with directors who are unsure of their exact roles within their compa-nies.(剑4,Test 2,Reading,Part 5)

[参考译文]IES 主管经常与不清楚在公司里他们的确切职责的主管一起工作。

except for   [ik'sept fɔ:]


exciting   [ɪk'saɪtɪŋ]

adj. 令人兴奋的;使人激动的;刺激的

[英文释义]making you feel excited

executive   [ɪɡ'zekjətɪv]


[英文释义]someone in a high po-sition,especially in business,who makes decisions and puts them into action


[商务用语]Travel Agency for the Business Executive 商务人士的旅游中介(剑3,Test 1,Reading,Part 2)Executive Directctor 行政经理(剑3,Test 4,Listening,Part 3)

[真题例句]Our previous Chief Executive has moved on to … an-other company,so … congratula-tions to our sales Manger,David Shaw,who will become Chief Ex-ecutive.(剑 3,Test 1,Listening,Part 3)


[真题例句]Now I'm here in the UK,I am an Executive Director.(剑3,Test 4,Listening,Part 3)


[真题例句]A leading wenture capital company has set up a ser-vice which provides companies with temporary executives to help them out with particular tasks or periods of development.(剑 4,Test 2,Reading,Part 5)


[真题例句]They then select the IES executive who best fits their requirements….(剑 4,Test 2,Reading,Part 5)


[真题例句]In large companies… the boss or chief executive is to encourage and generally get the best out of his or her managers.(剑4,Test 3,Reading,Part 5)


exhibition   [ˌeksɪ'bɪʃn]

n. 展览(会);表现,显示

[英文释义]when objects such as paintings are shown to the public,or when someone shows a partic-ular skill or quality to the public

[记忆方法]ex(外面)+ hibit(拥有)+ ion(名词词尾)→将自己拥有的东西拿出来→展览

[商务用语]at the exhibition 在展会上(剑 2,Test 1,Reading,Part 6)exhibition and trade fair organ-isers 展览会与商品交易会组织服务(剑2,Test 4,Reading,Part 2)on exhibition 通过展览(剑3,Test 3,Listening,Part 2)

[真题例句]Over 150 companies will have stands at the exhibition.(剑2,Test 1,Reading,Part 6)

[参考译文]超过 150 家公司将会在展会上有展位。

[真题例句]David has received some brochures from the printers and he needs to get them deliv-ered to an exhibition centre quick-ly.(剑2,Test 4,Reading,Part 2)


[真题例句]After the merger there'll still be opportunities to travel –conferences in Europe,exhibitions in Tokyo,Frankfurt,and so on,but there'll also be a staff exchange programme with the Boston office.(剑2,Test 4,Listening,Part 3)

[参考译文]公司合并后,会有许多出差的机会 ,诸如 ,参加在欧洲举行的各种会议,在东京、法兰克福等地举办的展览会,而且还有与波士顿分公司进行的员工交换计划。

[真题例句]… the first thing to say is that if you do want to see what sort of work we do,on every third Thursday in the month,there's an exhibition.(剑4,Test 1,Listening,Part 3)


expand    [ɪk'spænd]


[英文释义]to increase in size,number or importance,or to make something increase in this way

[记忆方法]ex(向外)+ pand(伸展)→向外伸展→扩展

[派生词汇]expanding adj. 扩展的(剑3,Test 3,Reading,Part 2)ex-pansion n.(尺寸、数量或重要性)扩大,增加,扩展(剑2,Test 3,Read-ing,Part 5/ 剑 4,Test 2,Reading,Part 4)

[真题例句]It is the manufacturing area that we have expanded the most.(剑3,Test 1,Listening,Part 3)


[真题例句]As the project pro-gressed,it expanded,with Cobalt recruiting and training extra team members to look at more products at the same time…(剑 4,Test 4,Reading,Part 4)


[真题例句]Kenichi Saitoshi runs an expanding law firm,and needs help with filling vacant posts.(剑3,Test 3,Reading,Part 2)

[参考译文]Kenichi Saitoshi 经营一家法律公司,因为公司规模正在扩大,他需要能填补空缺职位的帮助。

[真题例句]What is Sandersley's strategy for expansion?(剑 2,Test 3,Reading,Part 5)

[参考译文]Sandersley 公司的业务扩展战略是什么?

[真题例句]Without doubt,this has led to a continual expansion of our business over the past few years.(剑4,Test 2,Reading,Part 4)


expect    [ɪk'spekt]

v. 预料,预计;期待

[英文释义]to think or believe something will happen,or some-one will arrive


[真题例句]Actually,leaving my job wasn't as difficult as I'd expected,because I already had plenty of contacts in the publishing industry.(剑2,Test 1,Reading,Part 4)


[真题例句]How many people are you expecting? I heard this year was a bit disappointing?(剑 2,Test 2,Listening,Part 2)

[参考译文]你们预计会有多少人参加交易会? 我听说今年的参展人数不多?

[真题例句]In addition,ten new stores are expected to open each year for the next three or four years.(剑 2,Test 4,Reading,Part 6)

[参考译文]此外 ,今后 3 至 4 年期间每年开10家新店。

[真题例句]What were the numbers like? I heard they were ex-pecting over a hundred and eighty people.(剑 4,Test 4,Listening,Part 1)

[参考译文]大约有多少人 ? 我听说有180多人会参加。

expedite   ['ekspədaɪt]

v. 迅速完成;促进;加快

[英文释义]to cause to be done more quickly; to hurry

[真题例句]In order to expedite the procedures,it shall be better to arrange someone to discuss with the customs straight away.(剑2,Test 2,Writing,Part 1)





[英文释义]the total amount of money that a government or per-son spends

[真题例句]Every department must keep a strict list of its petty cash ex-penditure.(剑 3,Test 3,Reading,Part 1)


expenses   [ɪks'pensɪz]


[英文释义]money that you spend when you are doing your job,that your employer will pay back to you

[记忆方法]ex(出去)+ pens(称,衡量)+e →衡量出来的→费用

[真题例句]We will now pay ex-penses as part of monthly pay cheques rather than as separate petty cash amounts.(剑4,Test 2,Reading,Part 1)


experience  [ɪk'spɪərɪəns]

n. 经验;经历;实践

[英文释义](the process of get-ting)knowledge or skill which is obtained from doing,seeing or feeling things


[派生词汇]experienced adj. 经验丰富的;有阅历的;有见识的(剑3,Test 1,Reading,Part 3/剑3,Test 4,Reading,Part 4)

[商务用语]Experience an ad-vantage 有经验者优先(剑2,Test 3,Reading,Part 1)Experience of staff 员工经验(剑 4,Test 3,Speaking,Part 2)provide work experience for students 为学生提供工作经历(剑 3,Test 1,Speak-ing,Part 3)

[真题例句]Applicants for the above post need previous expe-rience of this work.(剑 2,Test 3,Reading,Part 1)


[真题例句]I enjoyed the expe-rience.(剑 4,Test 3,Listening,Part 1)


[真题例句]This year more staff were recruited through agencies than either newspaper or online adverts but both these meth-ods experienced an increase on the previous year.(剑 3,Test 1,Reading,Part 3)


[真题例句]While Interviewing Skills would be helpful for someone about to interview job applicants for the first time,it has little to offer anyone experienced in the activity.(剑 3,Test 4,Reading,Part 4)


explode   [ɪk'spləʊd]

v. 急剧扩大;激增,突增

[英文释义]to increase very quickly

[记忆方法]ex(出来)+ plode(鼓掌)→ 雷鸣般的掌声就像爆炸 →爆炸

[真题例句]Then,in 1994,I real-ised the IT industry was about to explode,and I decided to try and sell IT.(剑 4,Test 1,Reading,Part 5)

[参考译文]然后 ,在 1994 年 ,我意识到信息产业即将迅猛发展,于是决定尝试信息产业销售。

export    ['ekspɔ:t]

v. 出口;输出

[英文释义]to send goods to an-other country for sale

[记忆方法]ex(出去)+ port(运送)→运出去→输出

[商务用语]export department 出口部,外销部(剑2,Test 2,Read-ing,Part 2)export earning 出口收益(剑2,Test 2,Reading,Part 2)

[真题例句]Rachel works in an export department and wants in-formation on how to avoid fluctu-ations in the value of export earn-ings.(剑 2,Test 2,Reading,Part 2)


extend    [ɪk'stend]


[英文释义]to(cause something to)reach,stretch or continue; to add to something in order to make it bigger or longer


[派生词汇]extension n.(共用一个号码的)电话分机;(号码不同的)电话分机(剑 2,Test 2,Reading,Part 1)

[真题例句]Hotel booking extend-ed by one night as she has re-quested; location unchanged.(剑4,Test 2,Reading,Part 1)


[真题例句]If any numbers need to be changed in this directory,please inform Extension 8286.(剑2,Test 2,Reading,Part 1)


[真题例句]… She'll be on exten-sion five-four-five-o.(剑 3,Test 3,Listening,Part 2)


external   [eks'tə:nl]

adj. 外面的;外表的;来自外部的

[英文释义]of,on,for or coming from the outside

[记忆方法]extern(外面 ,出去)+al(形容词词尾)→外面的

[真题例句]The writer says that companies should be able to or-ganise their move without exter-nal help.(剑 2,Test 3,Reading,Part 4)


extra    ['ekstrə]

adj. 额外的;另外的;附加的


[商务用语]extra day's holiday 额外假期(剑 2,Test 2,Speaking,Part 3)

[真题例句]700 extra staff are taken on at the business time of year.(剑3,Test 1,Reading,Part 4)

[参考译文]另外 700 多员工是在一年中最忙的时候招聘的。

extrovert   ['ekstrəvɜ:t]

n. 性格外向的人

[英文释义]an energetic,happy person who enjoys being with oth-er people

[真题例句]I'm an extrovert,so selling fits my character.(剑 4,Test 1,Reading,Part 5)
