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- 2021-03-19 14:27:06
call [kɔ:l] 叫喊,称呼
I will call it a night. 今晚就到这里吧。
例句 I am tired. I'll call it a night and go to bed. You guys have fun.
calm [kɑ:m] 平静;平静的
This is the calm before the storm. 这是暴风雨前的宁静。
例句 There's something wrong. It feels like the calm before the storm.
Calm down. 别紧张,放轻松。
例句 1. Please calm down. There's nothing to worry about.
2. Could you calm down your dog?
can [kæn] 能够
Can I help you? 我能为你做些什么?
例句 A Can I help you?
B Yes, a cup of coffee, no sugar.
cancel [ˈkænsl] 取消
They cancelled each other out. 它们两两抵消了。
例句 The cost of this book and the tips I got yesterday cancelled each other out.
The meeting is cancelled. 会议取消了。
例句 I need to cancel my appointment.
We need to cancel out these people. 我们需要(从名单上)去掉这些人。
例句 We invited too many people. We have to cancel out some of them.
I want you to cancel this guy out. 我希望你把这家伙干掉。
例句 Come on! I will cancel you guys out some day.
care [keə(r)] 关心(careful [ˈkeəfl] 小心的)
I don't care. 我不在乎。
例句 You know what? I don't care.
I care about you. 我关心你。
例句 He really cares about his family.
I care nothing about this. 我不在乎这个。
例句 I care nothing about your money.
Be careful! 小心点。
例句 Be careful. It's getting dark.
Be careful not to do that. 注意别那么做。
例句 Be careful not to fight with others.
carry [ˈkærɪ] 搬运
Your words carry a lot of weight with me. 你的话对我的影响很大。/你的话对我来说很有分量。
例句 The argument in your new book doesn't carry a lot of weight with readers.
Carry a secret to the grave. 把秘密带进坟墓。
例句 Lily is not her parents'daughter. She never knows this because her parents carry this secret to the grave.
He is carrying a torch for her. 他单恋她。
例句 John is carrying a torch for Lucy.
You are carrying coals to Newcastle. 你这是做无用功。
例句 Don't be a fool. What you are doing is like carrying coals to Newcastle.
We will carry on somehow. 我们会继续的。
例句 Don't worry about me. I will carry on somehow.
carve [kɑ:v] 雕刻
It is not carved in stone. 这还没成定局呢。
用法说明:carve sth in stone表示确定某事,使其永远有效。一般用作否定。
例句 This is not carved in stone yet, we still can fix it.
Carve this into... 把这雕刻成……
例句 Jim carved a round stone into a tiny man.
case [keɪs] 情况
If that is the case, we should do something. 如果这是真的,我们得做点什么。
例句 1. I think it's not Tom. If that is the case, we should apologize.
2. Jerry thought that he could do it, but that was not the case.
It is a case of the blind leading the blind. 这就好像盲人给盲人领路。
例句 When I told Jack how to ask girls out, it is a case of the blind leading the blind.
cash [kæʃ] 现金
I have got a cash flow problem. 我的现金流有问题。/我现在现金短缺。
例句 I can not pay that now. I have got a cash flow problem.
Cash or credit? 现金还是信用卡?
例句 “Cash or credit? ” said the shopkeeper.
cat [kæt] 猫
A cat may look at a king. 猫也可以直视国王。
例句 “A cat may look at a king, ” said Alice. “I've read that in some book, but I don't remember where.”
补充: 这个谚语出自《鹅妈妈的童谣》(Mother Goose's Nursery Rhymes)中的一句话:A cat may look at a king, and surely I may look at an ugly thing.英国著名剧作家兼批评家萧伯纳在他的话剧《人与超人》(Man and Superman)中用了这句谚语,剧中人坦纳有一段话是这样:Sit down again and be friendly. A cat may look at a king; and even a President of brigands may look at your sister. All this family pride is very old -fashioned.因此引申为:人人都有平等的人格。
A cat has nine lives. 猫有九条命。
例句 My little Tom has nine lives. This won't hurt him.
A cat in gloves catches no mice. 戴手套的猫抓不到老鼠。
例句 Come on, man! You are playing football! A cat in gloves catches no mice.
The cat is out of the bag. 秘密泄漏了。
例句 Now the cat is out of the bag. Everybody knows who did it.
补充:“猫王”埃尔维斯·普雷斯利 ( Elvis Presley),是20世纪美国流行音乐历史中最重要的人物之一,是最著名的美国摇滚乐歌手与演员。美国南方歌迷为他取的昵称“The Hillbilly Cat”,原意为“来自乡村的野猫”,华人喜欢称他为“猫王”。猫王是流行音乐历史上最杰出和最性感的歌手,也是唱片销量最高的歌手之一。他的影响力是非凡的。近四十年过去,猫王的地位在现代音乐中依然无人可以取代。
catch [kætʃ] 抓住
Catch me later. 等会儿再跟我说话。
例句 Catch me later. I am busy.
cause [kɔ:z] 引起
This caused eyebrows to raise. 这真让人惊讶。
例句 Jerry caused eyebrows to raise when he admitted that it was him.
This will cause tongues to wag. 这会成为聊天的谈资。/这会带来很多八卦。
例句 Their marriage will for sure cause some tongues to wag.
certain [ˈsɜ:tn] 确定的,certainly [ˈsɜ:tnlɪ] 当然
A certain party will come. 有一些人要来。(我不想说名字,但你知道是谁)
用法说明:这个解释有点啰嗦,但意思就是这样,a certain party可以翻译某些人,这些人你知道是谁,但我不想说出他们的名字。这里的party指一群人。
例句 A certain party will come to visit. Do you want to meet them?
Certain sure. 非常肯定。
例句 A Are you sure he will come to dinner?
B Certain sure.
Certainly! 当然。
用法说明:相当于absolutely, definitely, of course。
例句 A Will you do that for me?
B Certainly!
Certainly not. 当然不会了。
用法说明:相当于absolutely not, definitely not, of course not。
例句 A Will you cheat on me?
B Certainly not.
change [tʃeɪndʒ] 改变
It has never changed hands. 它从没有易手过。
例句 How many times has this house changed hands?
It is like changing horses in the middle of the stream. 这就好像在河中间换马。
用法说明:意思是在中途做出重大改变(通常认为这样做已经太晚了)。stream在这里是“溪流”的意思,也可说“Change horses(注意用复数形式) in the midstream.”
例句 1. I have already bought hamburgers. No noodles. You can't change horses in the middle of the stream.
2. I have almost finished my paper, you can't tell me to change the topic now. It is too late to change horses in the midstream.
It changed into... 它变成了……
例句 The ugly witch changed into a lovely girl.
She has entered upon the change of life. 她已进入了更年期。
例句 Susan started the change of life in her 50s.
I want a change of scenery. 我想换换风景。
例句 A change of scenery will help me relax.
I don't want to change places with him. 我不想和他交换位置(或处境)。
例句 Tom was born from a rich family, but I don't want to change places with him for the world.
You had better change your mind. 你最好改变主意。
例句 I won't change my mind.
Don't change the channel. 不要转移话题。
例句 I think you changed the channel. Who were you with yesterday?
charge [tʃɑ:dʒ] 索价
How much do you charge? 你要多少钱?
例句 OK, I will buy it. How much do you charge?
Charge it to the dust and let the rain settle it. 我是不会付钱的。
例句 A OK, who is going to pay the bill?
B Charge it to the dust and let the rain settle it.
charity [ˈtʃærətɪ] 慈善
I gave a lot of money to charity. 我捐了很多钱给慈善机构。
例句 They dispensed the money to charity.
Charity begins at home. 慈善始于自家。
例句 If you really want to be a nice guy, you should treat your brother better. Charity begins at home.
补充:在美国,慈善行为比较普遍。有慈善组织(charity)、慈善学校(charity school,由捐款维持,学费没有或极少)、慈善商店(charity shop,商品由募捐所得),还包括各种义工、义卖等,可说慈善无大小,举手皆慈善。
charm [tʃɑ:m] 魅力(charming [ˈtʃɑ:mɪŋ] 迷人的,charmer [ˈtʃɑ:mə(r)] 有魅力的人)
I can't resist his charm. 我没法抗拒他的魅力。
例句 I can't resist Mary's charm. I think I am in love.
She is a charming girl. 她是个迷人的女孩。
例句 I found Jane a really charming girl.
He is a charmer. 他是个万人迷。
例句 Hey, charmer, want to grab a coffee?
cheat [tʃi:t] 欺骗;作弊
You cheated on me? 你出轨了?
例句 I can't believe you cheated on me.
You cheated me. 你欺骗了我。
例句 You have been cheated.
He cheated in the exam. 他考试作弊了。
例句 Cheating in the exam is unacceptable.
Cheats never prosper. 欺骗永远不能带来成功。
用法说明:指在生意场上一旦欺骗了顾客,就没有人会再跟你合作。也可以说cheaters never prosper。
例句 The goods you sold to me are not in good quality. Cheats never prosper.
补充: 美国人对待cheating的态度是极严厉的,不管是考试作弊还是婚姻出轨。考试作弊的处罚是极重的,至少相当于或高于我们现在高考作弊的处罚。
check [tʃek] 检查
I'd like to check in. 我要登记。
例句 I will call you after I check into the hotel.
Could I have the check? 我能看一下票据吗?
用法说明:指购物或消费后向服务人员索要发票一类的单据以备对账或报销。也可以说“Check, please? ”
例句 Could I have the check, please? The price is higher than I thought.
chew [tʃu:] 咀嚼
Chew your own tobacco. 别管闲事。/管好你自己的事。
例句 A What's wrong? You look terrible.
B Chew your own tobacco.
Let's chew the rag. 咱们聊会儿吧。
例句 A What were you doing?
B Just chewing the rag.
child [tʃaɪld] 孩子
This is child's play. 这是小儿科。
例句 The test is but child's play.
The child is father of the man. 孩童时期养成的性格会影响人的一生。/三岁看到老。
例句 Tom never lost his childhood habits; the child is father of the man.
Christmas [ˈkrɪsməs] 圣诞节
Christmas comes but once a year. 圣诞一年只有一次。
例句 Christmas comes but once a year. But when it comes it brings good cheer.
Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐!
例句 Merry Christmas and happy new year!
clean [kli:n] 干净的;清扫
It is (as) clean as a hound's tooth. 像猎犬的牙一样干净。
例句 The dirty boy took a bath, and now he is as clean as a hound's tooth.
It is (as) clean as a whistle. 像口哨一样干净。
例句 The car is as clean as a whistle after wash.
He got a clean bill of health. 他(从大夫那里)得到了身体健康的诊断书。
例句 He has got a clean bill of health from the doctor, and now he can get back to work.
Clean this place up. 把这地方打扫一下。
例句 Clean up the classroom after school.
Clean up your plate. 把饭吃干净。/不准剩饭。
例句 Clean up your plate or you boys will not be allowed to watch TV.
I will clean his plow. 我要教训他一顿。
例句 If you continue to do that, I will clean your plow. I promise.
I will clean the floor up with you. 我要揍扁你。
例句 A If you don't stop, I will clean the floor up with you.
B Oh my, I am looking forward to that.
It's a clean sweep. 这是次大扫除。/这是场大清洗。
例句 Everybody in that department was fired. It was a clean sweep.
He is clean-cut. 他看起来很干净。
例句 He is clean-cut, and also cute.
I am cleaned out. 我破产了。/我没有钱了。
例句 I am cleaned out, with no cents left.
Cleanliness is next to godliness. 人要干净,不能邋遢。
例句 You are such a mess. Don't you know that cleanliness is next to godliness?
clear [klɪə(r)] 清楚的
Clear. 安全。/没有人。
例句 This place is all clear.
He is clear. 他是清白的。/他没有犯罪记录。
例句 1. I checked this guy's record. He is clear.
2. I am clear. I did not commit that crime.
Are you clear? 听清楚了吗?/明白了吗?
用法说明:老师上课常这么问学生,相当于说“You get it? ”或者“Is that clear? ”等。
例句 Are you clear? Good, let's turn to page 45.
It is (as) clear as a bell. 像铃声一样清晰。
例句 I can hear you as clear as a bell.
It is (as) clear as crystal. 像水晶一样清晰、清透(透明)。
例句 The water is as clear as crystal.
Crystal clear. 非常明白。
例句 A Listen, if you fail one more time, you will get fired. Is that clear?
B Crystal clear.
It is clear as mud. 脏极了。
例句 1. My goodness, you are as clear as mud.
2. I read all those book, but I am still as clear as mud.
It is clear sailing. 会一帆风顺的。
用法说明:指过程会很顺利。也可以用smooth sailing。
例句 Once the boss admitted your abilities, your working there would be clear sailing.
I cleared my name. 我洗刷了我的清白。
例句 You have to clear my name. I am innocent.
Let's clear the air. 让咱们把气氛搞好一点。
例句 Let's talk and clear the air. I don't feel comfortable this way.
Clear the decks. 散开,别堵在那里。
例句 Clear the decks and go back to your own seat.
Clear the table. 收拾桌子。
用法说明:指餐后把用完的杯盘收拾好拿去洗。和set the table(摆放杯盘桌布)意思相反。
例句 Would you please help me clear the table?
Clear the way!让开!/让开一条路!
例句 "Clear the way, " said the man carrying a table.
The sky cleared up. 天放晴了。
例句 The sky cleared up, so we decided to go for a picnic.
The problem cleared up(gradually). 问题逐渐清晰起来。
例句 It started to clear up after talking with you.
climb [klaɪm] 攀爬
Climb down! 你给我下来!
例句 You climb down the roof!
I want to climb up the mountain. 我想爬上这座山。
用法说明:注意,一般来说爬山可以直接说climb the mountain,如果说climb up,一定是指爬上一定的高度,类似登山或攀岩运动。
例句 He tried to climb up the side of the cliff.
He is climbing the wall(s). 他开始焦躁(调皮捣蛋)了。
例句 1. The boy began to climb the walls after his parents gone.
2. I am climbing the walls to get a new job.
clock [klɒk] 钟表
Check your 6 o'clock. 注意背后。
用法说明:字面的意思是“看你的六点钟方向”。想象从空中俯视地面,以人为圆心画一个圆。想象这个圆是时钟的表面,那么十二点钟是正前方,六点钟是背后,同理三点是右手方向等,用来指引或标识方向。这句话是告诉对方小心有人在背后使坏或者小心暗箭伤人。通常缩略为“Check (your) six.”
例句 Check your 6 (o'clock). I heard someone was asking around.
He is a clock-watcher. 他总是急着下班(放学等)。
例句 There are a lot of clock-watchers in my office.
close [kləʊz] 关上;结束;亲密的
Close a deal. 结束谈判。/赢得谈判。
例句 We will close the deal this afternoon.
He is a good closer. 他是个好律师/谈判高手/终结者。
例句“He is my best closer.”said Jessica.(Suits 又称《金装律师》或《诉讼双雄》)
Close the sale. 完成销售。/签订销售合同。
用法说明:也可以说“Close a sale.”
例句 The salesman closed the sale and the customer got what he wanted.
They are close friends. 他们是好朋友。
例句 Your secret is safe with me. I will not even tell my closest friend.
They are close as two coats of paint. 他们好的如漆似胶。
用法说明:基本上是直译过来的。短语a coat of paint是“一层油漆”的意思,表示关系很好,很密切。一般不用来形容男女朋友。
例句 Tom and Jerry are (as) close as two coats of paint.
➡汤姆和杰瑞是很好的朋友,两人如漆似胶。(两个名字出自动画片Tom and Jerry《猫和老鼠》)
补充:《猫和老鼠》(Tom and Jerry)是由汤姆猫和老鼠杰瑞搭档出演的一部成功的短篇动画剧集。从1940年问世以来,一直是全世界最受欢迎的卡通片之一。汤姆和杰瑞上世纪九十年代来到中国,得到从六岁到六十岁的人们(包括作者)的狂热喜爱。网上还有各种地方方言版本。
It is close at hand. 在手边。/在触手可及的地方。(实际上并不一定真的就在手的旁边,而是很近、很容易找到)
例句 The book you wanted is not close at hand. But I will find it for you.
Close, but no cigar. 很接近成功,但没有成功。
例句 A Did you win the game? ➡你赢得比赛了吗?
B Close, but no cigar. I got the second place.
He is a close chewer and a tight spitter. 他是个一毛不拔的铁公鸡。
例句 He is a close chewer and a tight spitter. Don't expect tips from him.
It's close enough for government work. 这工作做得还过得去。
用法说明:指虽没有尽心尽力,但也可以蒙混过关了。也可以用good enough for government work。
例句 Well, I didn't try my best, but it's close enough for government work.
They are close enough to use the same toothpick. 他们关系很亲密。
例句 Donald and Mickey are close enough to use the same toothpick.
补充:《米老鼠和唐老鸭》(Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck),一部风靡全球的喜剧动画片,收视率居世界之首。片中以米老鼠、唐老鸭、大狗布鲁托为主要角色,后来经过多年发展,增添了庞大的角色团队和各种衍生剧集。
Close your eyes. 闭上你的眼睛。
例句 Close your eyes till I let you see.
Close your eyes to... 别去看……/无视(回避)某些事情或记忆
例句 1. Close his eyes to the scene. It's too bloody for children.
2. She just closed her eyes to what had happened.
They closed ranks. 他们集合队伍。
例句 The soldiers closed ranks and got ready to attack.
That is a close shave. 侥幸逃过了一劫。
用法说明:也可以说close call。
例句 That was really a close shave. The bullet was only a few inches from me.
They closed it down. 他们把(店,公司等)关了。
例句 That restaurant was closed down by health department.
Close up shop. 打烊。/关门。/停业。
例句 1. It's 5 o'clock. Let's close up shop.
2. I will have to close up shop and move to another city.
coat [kəʊt] 外衣
Wear a coat and tie. 穿上外衣,戴上领带。
用法说明:短语coat and tie指夹克之类的外套配领带的打扮,这样的穿着不算太正式(正式的是西装四件套),但也足够体面而不那么随意。
例句 Remember to wear your coat and tie; do not be too casual.
coffee [ˈkɒfɪ] 咖啡
Wanna grab a coffee? 愿意(跟我)一起喝杯咖啡吗?
例句 Well, Do you want a coffee?
用法说明:这是个省略句,完整的应该是“Do you want to grab a coffee? ”也可以说“Have a coffee? ”算是发起邀约或搭讪的话。
I want coffee and Danish. 我想要咖啡和丹麦卷。
用法说明:coffee and Danish可以视作为词组,指咖啡和丹麦卷,也就是超市里卖的瑞士卷。咖啡配甜食可以说是最常见的休闲饮食。也可以有coffee and cupcake之类的用法,最常用的短语coffee and,也是一个固定词组,就是指咖啡配甜食。
例句 1. I don't like coffee and Danish as breakfast.
(作为整体使用,类似pepper and salt,指椒盐)
2. I am getting hungry. Could you give me coffee and?
cold [kəʊld] 冷的
It is cold as a welldigger's feet (in January). 就像(一月里)掘井人的脚一样冰冷。
用法说明:指天气或地方(也可以指人)极冷。形容冷的习语还有cold as marble, cold as a witch's caress等。
例句 The weather is as cold as a welldigger's feet in January.
It is cold comfort. 一点都不让人感到安慰。
例句 He knew he was not the only one failed the exam, but that was cold comfort.
I got cold feet. 我心生胆怯。/我有点怯场。
用法说明:指对将要发生的某事感到害怕,担心没有把握。也可以用have cold feet。
例句 I got cold feet before the exam.
补充:英国有部电视剧叫作《临阵退缩》(Cold Feet),讲的是夫妻想要孩子,但总是担心害怕而没法下定决心的一个故事。
Don't be a cold fish. 别那么冷漠无情。
用法说明:短语cold fish指冷漠无情,总是拒人千里之外的人。字面的意思是冷的鱼,也许是因为鱼都是冷血动物吧。
例句 She doesn't speak to anyone. She is a cold fish.
I want cold, hard cash. 我要现金。
例句 I want to be paid in cold, hard cash, and I want it now!
I don't like the cold shoulder. 我不喜欢被轻视。
用法说明:短语cold shoulder指冰冷不礼貌的对待(不礼貌但并非“无礼”,也就是说并不意味着有粗暴举动,而是类似被无视),也可以写成cold-shoulder用作动词。
例句 1. Don't say hi to her, you will only get the cold shoulder.
2. They cold-shouldered me because I look like a poor man.
collar [ˈkɒlə(r)] 衣领
He is one of the collar and tie men. 他是个商务人士。
例句 He works with the collar and tie men.
补充:英文中的collar(领子),通常会跟职业联系到一起,比如collar and tie men(商务人士), white collar(白领,写字楼的上班族), blue collar(蓝领,体力劳动者)等
collect [kəˈlekt] 收集;整理
I need to collect my thoughts. 我需要理一理思路。
例句 I need some time to collect my thoughts before giving this speech.
Collect your thins up. 把你的东西收拾一下。
例句 I will collect my luggage and leave.
come [kʌm] 来
Come on! 加油!
例句 1. Come on! You can do it!
2. Come on! Do me a favor.
commit [kəˈmɪt] 犯罪;承诺
He committed suicide. 他自杀了。
例句 The police said that he committed suicide.
She committed this crime. 是她犯下了这桩罪行。
例句 The man who committed the crime was caught yesterday.
注意 commit这个单词多与不好的行为相关,如上面说的自杀、犯罪、谋杀等。但也并不绝对,如下例:
I don't want to commit this to memory. 我不想背这个东西。
例句 Have I got to commit this long poem to memory?
common [ˈkɒmən] 普通的
It is common sense. 这是常识。
例句 Don't tell me you do not know. It is common sense.
There is a common thread to all this. 这些事件中有一条共同的线索。
例句 These cases seem irrelevant, but if you examine carefully, you will find the common thread to all of them.
He is common as an old shoe. 他不是个上得了台面的人。
例句 I don't understand why Jane is dating with him. The guy is just as common as an old shoe.
compete [kəmˈpi:t] 竞争
We will have to compete against them. 我们必须跟他们竞争。
用法说明:指运动、比赛等。也可以用compete with sb。
例句 1. I don't want to compete against them. They are too strong.
2. I don't think we can compete with them. They are trained.
complain [kəmˈpleɪn] 抱怨
He is always complaining. 他总是在抱怨。
例句 She is always complaining about how hard her life is.
Don't complain to me. 别跟我抱怨。(注意介词to)
例句 Don't complain to me. It's not my fault.
con [kɒn] 欺骗(con man骗子,诈骗犯);欺诈的
I will con him into... 我会骗他,让他去(做某事)
例句 He conned her into buying many things for himself.
He is a con man. 他是个骗子(以诈骗为业的人,有别于liar,后者指说谎的人)。
用法说明:我们一般所说的骗子(诈骗犯罪者)指con man而不是liar。虽然看起来像是俚语,但这是生活中极常见的字眼。
例句 You stupid fool! He is a con man!
concentrate [ˈkɒnsntreɪt] 集中
You need to concentrate. 你需要集中注意力(专心做某事)。
用法说明:相当于focus (on)。
例句 You should concentrate on your own job.
confuse [kənˈfju:z] 迷惑
You confused me. 你把我弄糊涂了。
例句 You confused me. What did you mean by loving somebody else?
I am confused. 我被弄糊涂了。
例句 I am confused by my old watch.
He confused me about those. 他让我对那些事情感到迷惑。
例句 You will confuse me about what you really want.
I am confused (by you) with what you said. 你(用你说的话)把我弄糊涂了。(注意和上下两个词条的用法相区别)
例句 I guess you confused me with a small trick.
I confused you with someone else. 我把你和别人搞混了(认错了)。(注意和上一词条相区别)
例句 Sorry, I confused you with a friend(of mine).
congratulate [kənˈɡrætʃʊleɪt] 祝贺(congratulation [kən, ɡrætʃʊ'leʃən] 祝贺)
I want to congratulate you on... 我要祝贺你……
例句 I want to congratulate Tom on his recent success.
Congratulations. 恭喜恭喜。
用法说明:这是常用的一种说法。如果想要强调语气,可以用heartiest congratulations,表示最衷心的祝贺。
例句 A I have got a good news. I proposed to Megan and she said yes!
B Really? My heartiest congratulations!
constant [ˈkɒnstənt] 持续的
Constant dropping wears away a stone. 水滴石穿。
例句 A How did you make him change his mind?
B Well, I just call him everyday and try to persuade him. Constant dropping wears away a stone, you know.
continue [kənˈtɪnju:] 继续
We will continue. 我们会继续的。
用法说明:相当于go on, move on。
例句 We will continue to try to finish our task.
To be continued. 未完,待续。
例句 It says “to be continued”, so I am waiting.
contribute [kənˈtrɪbju:t] 贡献(contribution [ˌkɒtrɪˈbju:ʃn] 贡献)
I hope you will contribute (at least) a dollar to him (for...) 我希望你拿出(捐)一点钱给他(来……)
例句 I hope you will contribute a dollar for the party.
It's not a good time to contribute. 现在不是说话的好时候。
用法说明:也可以说it's not a good time to make contribution。
例句 A I don't think it's good for you to...(be stopped)
B It's not a good time to contribute now, son.
control [kənˈtrəʊl] 控制
I lost my control. 我发了火。
用法说明:指情绪失控,也可以简单说I lost it。
例句 I am sorry that I lost my control.
You have no control over me. 你对我没有控制的权力。/你不能命令我该去做什么。(注意介词over)
例句 Who gave you control over anybody in this house?
Control the purse strings. 管好钱带子。
例句 My mom controls the purse strings at home.
cook [kʊk] 烹饪
He is a good cook. 他是个好厨师。
例句 Mary said she would cook the dinner. Shall we order some pizza? She is really not a good cook.
I cooked the dinner to perfection. 我把晚餐弄得尽善尽美。
例句 Great Caesar, you cooked this steak to perfection.
He cooked my goose. 他把我整惨了。
例句 I cooked my own goose by getting late at the exam.
He cooked up some food. 他准备了(烹饪了)一些吃的。
例句 He cooked some steaks up for dinner.
I cooked up a plan(or something else). 我想出(伪造)了一个计划(或其他东西)。
用法说明:短语cook up除了有“做饭”的意思,还有很多跟伪造、欺骗等相关的习语。
例句 He cooked up a story to avoid punishment.
This is so cooked up. 这看起来真做作。/这像编出来的(不像是真的)。
例句 1. The story seems cooked up.
2. What a cooked-up news! What? You believed that?
He cooked the accounts. 他伪造了账本。
用法说明:也可以用cook the books。
例句 The police arrested him for cooking the books.
(Now) You are cooking with gas.(现在)你做对了。
例句 Good! Now you are cooking with gas!
cool [ku:l] 凉快的;酷的
She is as cool, as a cucumber. 她表现得镇静自然。
例句 I knew he was afraid too, but he acted as cool as a cucumber.
He is cool, calm and collected. 他表现得镇定自若。
例句 Though he was also shocked by the bad news that the company was shut down, he was still cool, calm and collected.
Cool down!冷静!(也有温度或感情冷却的意思,也可以说cool off)
例句 1. Cool down! There is no need to be so angry.
2. It will cool down in the evening.
3. Her love cooled off gradually.
Cool it! 冷静!(相当于cool down, cool off)
例句 Cool it! Take it easy.
I have been cooling my heels. 我一直在等待。
用法说明:短语cool one's heels的意思是“等待”。
例句 Cool your heels until I call you.
That is cool. 这可真酷。
例句 You are a professional basketball player? That's cool!
We are cool. 我们没事了。(和好了的意思)
例句 A I did that for you. Are we cool now?
B Yes, we are cool.
copy [ˈkɒpɪ] 抄写
Copy it down. 抄下来。
例句 I want you to copy this poem down on your notebook. Hand in tomorrow.
Copy that. 收到。
例句 A Move, now!
B Copy that.
I made a copy. 我做了个备份。
例句 Jane won't let me know what's the message, but I made a copy.
cost [kɒst] 花费
It cost me a lot of money. 这花了我很多钱。
例句 The new PC cost me a lot of bucks.
It costs a pretty penny. 这要花很多钱。/这很贵。
用法说明:英语里还有很多用cost表达“很贵”的习语,比如cost an arm and a leg, cost the earth等。
例句 It costs a pretty penny, I can not afford it.
count [kaʊnt] 计算
It counts for nothing. 这不算什么。
例句 I think that my work counts for something.
It doesn't count. 这不算数。
例句 It doesn't count! I was caught by a traffic jam.
Count heads. 点点人数。
例句 Count heads. I need to know how many left.
It's no good to count your chickens before they hatch. 别在小鸡孵化前就忙着数。
例句 You will get disappointed if you count your chickens before they hatch.
补充:“It still counts as one! ”是电影《指环王》(又称《魔戒》The Lord of the Rings)里矮人金雳(Gimli)一句很搞笑的台词。喜欢看《指环王》的朋友们不妨再重温一遍剧情。
course [kɔ:s] 过程
Of course. 当然。
用法说明:相当于sure, certainly等。
例句 A Will you come to the party?
B Of course. I am looking forward to it.
Of course not. 当然不了。
用法说明:表示否定。相当于certainly not, definitely not等。
例句 A Will you come to the party?
B Of course not. Those guys are boring.
The course of true love never did run smooth. 真爱多坎坷。
用法说明:出自莎士比亚(William Shakespeare)的名剧《仲夏夜之梦》(A Midsum-mer Night's Dream)。是指真心相爱的人需要历经磨难才能最终走到一起。
例句 A My boyfriend found a new job in New York, thousands miles from California. And it is a good opportunity for him. What am I gonna to do?
B Well, the course of true love never did run smooth.
补充:威廉·莎士比亚(William Shakespeare),文艺复兴时期英国杰出的戏剧家,诗人,是英国文学史和戏剧史上最杰出的作家(没有之一)。他虽然是英国人,但对美国民众的影响同样无比巨大,美国人在孩童时期最早的校园舞台经验一定跟他的作品有关。文学课的必修科目自也不必多说。另外,出国考试如雅思,托福之类,莎士比亚的剧目更是阅读必考,可谓考生的噩梦,连英美人读起来都很困难。他的作品最好的中文译本是朱生豪先生所译的《莎士比亚全集》(人民文学出版社)。《仲夏夜之梦》(A Midsummer Night's Dream)是莎士比亚青春时期创作的最后一部作品,是一出情节类似“乱点鸳鸯谱”的浪漫喜剧,也是他最著名的喜剧之一。
cover [ˈkʌvə(r)] 掩盖
Cover it up. 把它盖起来。
用法说明:也可以接sb。另外,cover up还有“掩饰罪状”的意思。
例句 1. Cover up Tom, he is cold.
2. He tried to cover up his crime, but finally got caught.
Don't cover (up) for the bad guy. 不要替坏人隐瞒。
例句 I won't cover this up for you. You should confess.
He covered his tracks up. 他隐瞒了他的罪行。
例句 He covered his tracks up and escaped.
He covered a lot of ground. 他的足迹覆盖了广阔的地域。
例句 1. She covered a lot of ground, traveling around the world.
2. The speech covered a lot of ground. It's better than I expected.
He covered the territory. 他的足迹覆盖了整个(某个特定的)地区。
例句 1. This island is his, and he covered the territory once a month.
2. His class covered the territory of this subject.
It covered the waterfront. 涵盖了某一科目的全部细节。
例句 The lecture she gave us covered the waterfront of that book.
coward [ˈkaʊəd] 胆小鬼,懦夫
He is a coward. 他是个懦夫。/他是个胆小鬼。
例句 He is a coward. He is afraid to dive.
Cowards die many times before their deaths. 怕死的懦夫比别人多死很多次。
用法说明:指既然懦夫会时常担心死去,那也就意味着他们经常会体验到死亡带来的恐怖,也就是说,从某种意义上讲,他们比其他人多死很多次。语出莎士比亚悲剧《凯撒大帝》(Julius Caesar)。
例句 Cowards die many times before their deaths. If you are afraid of anything, you will achieve nothing.
crack [kræk] 破裂
It will crack. 它会破的。
例句 The glass will crack easily.
Crack the door open. 把门打开一条缝。
例句 Crack the window open, I need a little fresh air.
I never cracked a book. 我从没打开过书本。
例句 He did not crack a book once this term, but he passed the exam either.
I cracked a bottle open. 我打开了一瓶酒。
例句 Crack open a bottle, I want some more.
He cracked a joke. 他讲了个笑话。
例句 He cracked a joke, and everybody laughed.
➡ 他讲了个笑话,每个人都大笑了起来
She cracked a smile. 她(咧嘴)笑了起来。
例句 Suddenly, she cracked a big, sweet smile.
He cracked under the strain. 他在压力之下崩溃了。
例句 He has been working for 48 hours. I am afraid that he will crack under the strain.
crash [kræʃ] 碰撞
It crashed. 它摔坏了。
例句 The vase crashed to the floor.
crazy [ˈkreɪzɪ] 疯狂
I am crazy about her. 我疯狂迷恋着她。
用法说明:也可以用mad about。
例句 That guy is crazy about music.
He is crazy. 他是个很疯狂(狂野)的人。
例句 He is crazy. But I love crazy people.
He is crazy as a loon. 他像潜水鸟一样疯狂。
例句 Get away from him. He is crazy as a loon.
You are crazy in the head. 你脑子有问题。
例句 I am not crazy in the head. I just need to let something out.
credit [ˈkredɪt] 信誉;为……赢得荣誉的人(或物)
He is a credit to his family. 他是他们家的骄傲。
例句 That guy is a credit to his school. He is a football player.
crime [kraɪm] 犯罪
Crime doesn't pay. 犯罪不划算。
例句 No matter how tempting it may appear, crime doesn't pay.
cross [krɒs] 易怒的;穿过
He is getting cross. 他生气了。
例句 Why is he getting cross? I am supposed to be the angry one.
Don't cross a bridge before you come to it. 不要杞人忧天。
例句 She is always crossing a bridge before coming to it.
Cross my heart and hope to die. 我若说谎,天打雷劈。
例句 It's true. Cross my heart and hope to die.
Cross his palm with silver. 给他小费。
例句 Cross his palm with silver, you will find it is worth it.
crush [krʌʃ] 压碎
It has been crushed. 它被弄坏(镇压、压倒、崩溃、粉碎等)了。
例句 His hope has been crushed.
He has a crush on you. 他对你很迷恋。
用法说明:指异性间因外在等原因产生的迷恋,美国人一般把这和爱情区别开。也可以用get a crush on you。
例句 It takes only a minute to get a crush on someone, an hour to like someone and a day to love someone—but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.
cry [kraɪ] 哭喊
He must be crying all the way to the bank. 他一定是一路哭着去的银行。
例句 This best-seller sucks. The author must be crying all the way to the bank.
He always cries before he gets hurt. 他总是没受伤就喊疼。
例句 I don't know why he is always crying before he is getting hurt.
She is crying in her beer. 她在自伤其事,顾影自怜。
例句 She is crying in her beer, talking about her own tragedy.
She cried her eyes out. 她快把眼睛哭出来了。
用法说明:指哭得厉害。也可以用cry one's heart out。
例句 When she heard the news, she cried her eyes out.
She is crying wolf. 她不过是在发虚假警报。(引起你的注意)
例句 Ignore her. She is crying wolf again.
cut [kʌt] 切割
Don't cut school. 不要旷课。
用法说明:短语cut school指无理由的旷课。也可以用cut class。
例句 Don't you cut class again!
cute [kju:t] 可爱的;帅的
He is so cute. 他真帅。
例句 Well, he is kinda cute, but I don't have that feeling to him.
He is as cute as a bug's ear. 非常可爱。
例句 The little baby is as cute as a bug's ear.