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- 2021-03-19 14:27:06
dance [dɑ:ns] 跳舞
I will dance at your wedding. 我会在你的婚礼上跳舞。
例句 1. I am looking forward to dancing at your wedding.
2. If you think I will dance at your wedding, you had better treat me nicer.
He is dancing on air. 他高兴极了。
例句 He is so happy, dancing on air.
I want to dance to the music. 我想跟着音乐跳舞。
例句 I can not dance to that music, it is too fast.
He danced to another tune. 他迅速转变了举止。
用法说明:也可以用dance to a different tune。
例句 After her parents' showing up, she danced to another tune.
Will you dance with me? 你会跟我跳舞吗?
例句 Would you please dance with me?
用法说明:用于舞会上的邀请。当然也可以说“Would you dance with me? ”
You are dancing with death. 这太冒险了。
例句 You are dancing with death. It is too dangerous.
补充:电影《与狼共舞》(Dancing with Wolf)是1990年凯文·科斯特纳(Kevin Costner)执导、编剧并主演的一部电影,获得当年包括金像奖在内的七座奥斯卡大奖。此片描述美国在1860年代,南北战争末期,一位美国军官与印地安苏族的故事,这部电影中有不少台词坚持使用苏族语言,配以英语字幕,在美国电影史上是第一次。他复兴了一个片种(西部片),同时也使自己获得了辉煌的成功。最终这部电影以其独特的视角和内涵成为世界电影史上的一部永垂不朽的西部传奇。
dark [dɑ:k] 黑的,黑暗的
He is a dark horse. 他是一匹黑马。
例句 The dark horse won the game.
You have not seen my dark side. 你还没见过我的阴暗面呢。
例句 You have not see her dark side. Once she lost her control, I was terrified.
补充: The dark knight(黑暗骑士)是著名动漫及电影人物蝙蝠侠(Batman)的另一称谓。蝙蝠侠电影均改编自DC漫画公司的经典超级英雄漫画《蝙蝠侠》。其中值得一提的是蝙蝠侠系列最新的黑暗骑士三部曲,分别是2005年公映的《蝙蝠侠诞生》(Batman Be-gins);2008年公映的《黑暗骑士》和2012年公映的《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士崛起》。这个版本的蝙蝠侠电影常被称作蝙蝠侠前传,但这是错误的叫法。它的最大亮点和不同之处,不在于演员阵容的强大(多位影帝影后级明星加盟),而是在于导演诺兰把一部传统意义上的超级英雄电影变成了一部有血有肉的普通人的黑暗史诗。
date [deɪt] 约会;更新
He is my date. 他是我的约会对象。
例句 1. I am going out on a date.
2. He is dating his ex-girlfriend again.
补充: 美国的年轻人对男女关系的处理比较开放,但并不意味着彼此就是男女朋友的关系。有时候仅仅就只是一起约会,出去玩什么的。这种情况就可以将对方称为date。如果确定男女朋友,则说开始了一段relationship(恋情)。但直到真的有了比较深的感情基础,才会跟对方说I love you。
It is already up to date. 它已经是最新的。
例句 Keep the files up to date.
It is out of date. 它过时(过期)了。
例句 Your computer is out of date. They don't even use laptops nowadays.
It dates back to ancient times. 这要追溯到古代。
例句 The story dates back to years ago.
day [deɪ] 一天;白天
I did that day after day. 我日复一日地做这件事。
例句 I do the same job day after day. And now I want to make some change.
He did that day and night. 他不分昼夜的做这件事。
用法说明:也可以用night and day。
例句 The nurses looked after him day and night.
It was like that from day one. 从一开始就是这个样子。
用法说明:意思是从第一天起就是这个样子的,也可以用since day one。
例句 She was cheating him from day one.
I am a day person. 我是个只在白天有精神的人。
用法说明:相反地,也有night person,也就是通常所说的夜猫子。
例句 1. I am not a day person. I often stay up all night.
2. A I need to go home, Jerry, I am not really a night person.
B Are you sure, Tom? The night is still young.
补充:系列电影《刀锋战士》(Blade)中,吸血鬼被称为night walker(夜行者),而主人公Blade作为唯一能行走在日光下的吸血鬼,被称为the day walker。
Rome was not built in a day. 罗马非一日可成。
例句 1. A Take it easy. Rome was not built in a day.
B OK. I am just too eager to finish this.
2. A Remember, kid, Rome was not built in a day.
BSo, it was built in a night, am I right?
dead [ded] 死亡的(death [deθ] 死亡,die [daɪ] 死去)
It is dead ahead. 它就在正前方。
例句 Look! There is a wolf dead ahead.
They are dead and buried. 他们已经长眠地下。
例句 1. They are already dead and buried, you need to move on.
2. Those old things are dead and buried, and young people will never get to know them.
They are dead and gone. 他们早已死去了。
用法说明:也可以指事物早已消失,相当于说“They are long dead.”
例句 1. He is dead and gone, why do you ask that?
2. That kind of thinking has been dead and gone.
It is dead as a dodo. 那种东西早就不存在了。
例句 That old system is dead as a dodo.
I am dead broke. 我完全破产了。/我一点钱都没了。
例句 He is dead broke. Now he is living on debts.
There is a dead cat on the line. 有什么东西出了问题。
用法说明:相当于“There is something wrong.”
例句 I have got a feeling that there is a dead cat on the line.
I am dead certain. 我非常确定。
例句 I am dead certain that this plan won't work.
He is dead drunk. 他完全喝醉了。/他喝得不省人事了。
例句 You had better go home before you are dead drunk.
It is dead easy. 这非常简单。
例句 This job is dead easy.
I am dead serious. 我非常严肃。/我不是在开玩笑。
例句 A You must be kidding.
B No, I am not. I am dead serious. Superman is fast than light. It's right in that movie.
I am dead wrong. 我错了。/全是我的错。
例句 I am dead wrong. It was all my fault. Forgive me.
It is a dead giveaway. 这是个明显的暗示(证据)。
用法说明:意思是清楚地证明了某个事实或状态。giveaway也就是give a way,是“给了一条(发现)的路”的意思。
例句 The car out there is a dead giveaway. He must be at home.
He is a dead duck. 他完蛋了。/他死定了。
例句 I didn't pass the exam. I am a dead duck. ➡天啊,我考试没通过。这下死定了。
He is dead from the neck up. 他蠢得要死。
例句 1. He is acting like he is dead from the neck up.
2. The people live there are all dead from the neck up.
It is dead in the water. 止步不前。/一潭死水。
例句 1. This project is dead in the water.
2. The firm is dead in the water.
It is a dead letter. 这是一封“死信”。
例句 1. I have to open this dead letter to see if there is an address in it.
2. This piece of law has been a dead letter since last year.
3. Your advice is a dead letter. They have already done that before you said so.
It is a dead loss. 完全的损失。/一点都没剩。
例句 My investment is a dead loss. I am broke now.
You are a dead meat. 你死定了!(通常不是指真正的死亡)
例句 If you won't stop doing like that, you will be a dead meat.
Dead men tell no tails. 死人是不会讲话的。
例句 A Tom is scared. I am afraid he will turn himself in and tell the police everything. What should we do about it?
B Dead man tells no tails.
You are dead on. 你说得太对了。
用法说明:这句话的意思实际上是说your words are right on the target(你的话正中目标),或者your words are right on the point(你的话说的正是问题所在)。指评论或意见切中要害。
例句 I read your article. Your criticism is dead on.
He is dead on his feet. 他累坏了。
例句 1. She stayed up the whole night. She must have been dead on her feet by now.
2. The company is dead on its feet now.
He is dead to the world. 他熟睡了。
例句 1. He is exhausted and dead to the world.
2. After two beers, he is already dead to the world.
It is deadly dull. 真是无聊死了。
例句 The movie is boring. In fact it is deadly dull.
Death is the greatest leveler. 死亡是最大的平等。
例句 1. He was the greatest man I have ever seen, the most brilliant brain of this time. But death is the greatest leveler, and now we lost him forever.
2. He is a good man, a kind neighbor, a perfect husband and a father. But death, the greatest leveler, did not spare him.
He died a natural death. 他已经寿终正寝。/他是自然死亡。
例句 He lived to his 90's and died a natural death.
He died by his own hand. 他是自杀的。
例句 I am sorry for him. I heard he died by his own hand.
He died laughing. 他笑着死去。
例句 1. Knowing that he achieved his task, the solder died laughing.
2. I almost died laughing. He is so funny.
deserve [dɪˈzɜ:v] 值得
You deserve it. 这是你应得的。
例句 1. A I got an A. My teacher said I made a big progress. He said he was proud of me!
B You deserve that. You have been working hard this term.
2. A He was mean to me. And he called me a bad name.
B You don't deserve to be treated like that.
I deserve better from him. 他应该对我好一点。
例句 I thought he was my friend. At least I treated him as mine. I deserve better from him.
detective [dɪˈtektɪv] 侦探
Try to do a little detective work yourself. 你得自己去做点调查研究。
用法说明:意思是不能什么事都问,能自己搞明白的就先做点研究。句中detective work的意思是“侦探工作”,在这里表示“调查研究”。
例句 OK, I will do a little detective work to get the information I need.
(This is)Detective..., may I ask you a few questions? 我是(某某)警官,能问你几个问题吗?
用法说明:警察的例行问话用语,先介绍自己,出示警徽,别人同意回答后再提问(公民有权拒绝回答,除非你有法官给的搜查令)。句中detective不是“侦探”的意思,而是指“高级警官”,不穿警服,不巡逻。而穿警服、坐警车巡逻的警察叫作officer, police或cop是对所有警察的统称。
例句 Detective Carter, may I ask you a few questions? Where were you last night, you at home?
补充:DC漫画(DC Comics)是美国的一家漫画出版公司,与惊奇漫画(Marvel Comics)同为目前美国的两家最大型漫画公司。DC漫画所创造的经典角色包括:超人(Superman)、蝙蝠侠(Batman)、神奇女侠(Wonder Woman)、闪电侠(The Flash)、绿灯侠(Green Lantern)等。
惊奇漫画(Marvel Comics,也叫漫威)是个由惊奇娱乐公司(Marvel Entertainment)发行的美国漫画系列,漫画迷喜欢称之为想法屋(House of Ideas)。它最有名的系列作品有《神奇四侠》(the Fantastic Four)、《蜘蛛侠》(Spiderman)、《绿巨人》(Hulk)、《钢铁侠》(Iron Man)、《美国队长》(Capitan America)以及《X战警》(X-men)等。
devil [ˈdevl] 魔鬼
You are a devil. 你是个魔鬼。
例句 You are such a devil. I don't want to see you anymore.
The devil can quote Scripture for his own purpose. 魔鬼也会引用《圣经》为自己服务。
例句 A Dad, you should let me go out with Jack. He is a nice boy, and he can even quote the Bible.
B Well. The devil can quote Scripture for his own purpose.
The devil finds work for idle hands to do. 魔鬼会让闲置的手为自己工作。
例句 Keep the kids occupied. The devil finds work for idle hands to do, you know.
She has a devil-may-care attitude. 她有种万事无所谓的态度。
例句 I don't like your devil-may-care attitude. You should be more serious about things.
differ [ˈdɪfə(r)] 不同(different [ˈdɪfrənt] 不同的)
They differ from each other. 他们(它们)两个不一样。
例句 1. He differs from his brother, he is much taller.
2. This one differs from that one in size and color.
I differ with you about/on that. 我在那个问题上不同意你的观点。
例句 He differs with me on some work issue.
do [dʊ] 做
Yes, I do. 是的,我愿意。
用法说明:值得注意的是,对于求婚用语“Will you marry me? ”的传统回答也是“Yes, I do.”而不是语法上习惯说的“Yes, I will.”
例句 1. A Did you close the door?
B Yes, I did.
2. A Will you marry me?
B Yes, yes, I do.
(多了一个yes是有激动的情绪在,正式的回答就是“Yes, I do.”)
When that happened, I did a double take. 那件事发生时,我(因为太惊讶)多看了一眼(来确认自己刚才没有看错)。
用法说明:短语do a double take指看到某事非常惊讶,赶紧揉揉眼睛再看一次以确定自己没有看错。
例句 When he came in with a superman's costume, everybody did a double take.
He did a fade. 他离开了。
例句 It is time for us to do a fade. ➡我们该走了。
He did a flip-flop. 他的态度发生了一百八十度大转弯。
用法说明:指某人完全改变了自己的意见或看法,也可以用do an about-face。
例句 When he learnt that his daughter won the first, he did a flip-flop on her being ground.
The dog did a job on the floor. 那只狗在地板上便便。
例句 1. The puppy did a job on the newspaper just as it was trained to.
2. The robber really did a job on that guy. I heard that he got some ribs broken.
She did a number on him. 她伤害了他(的感情)。
例句 Jack did a number on Rose when he broke up with her.
He did a one-eighty. 他来了个一百八十度大转变。
用法说明:可以指行进方向的转变,也可以指思想或意见的完全改变。句中one-eighty指一百八十。还可以直接用turn one hundred and eighty degrees。
例句 1. The car did a one-eighty on the road and ran away.
2. His thoughts about war turned one hundred and eighty degrees after he came back from Iraq.
I did a slow burn. 我生了闷气。
例句 I did a slow burn when I saw that happened.
He did a snow job on her. 他欺骗了她。
例句 Don't do a snow job on me.
Do as I say, not as I do. 照我说的做,不要学我做。
例句 A Don't call your friend a bad name.
B But you are always doing that.
A Do as I say, not as I do.
I will do away with it. 我要杀掉它。
例句 1. I will do away with this rat.
2. I won't do away with myself.
3. They will do away with that old building soon.
We can do some business. 我们可以做点生意。
例句 We want to do business with your company.
It did you credit. 它给你带来了声誉。/为你赢得了声誉。
例句 His new job did credit to him.
Don't do drugs. 不要吸毒。
例句 He doesn't do drugs, but he does drink.
I will do for her. 我会照顾她的。
例句 I can't do for all these kids.
Will that do for you? 你用这个行吗?
例句 A I want a new pair of shoes.
B Will these do for you?
Do have some more. 多吃点(喝点)。
例句 A The chicken is so delicious.
B Do have some more.
Do I have to paint you a picture? 还要我怎么解释?
例句 Why don't you still understand me? Do I have to paint you a picture or something?
用法说明:原句是指“你就这么笨吗?什么都不懂。”从语气来讲,相当于“难道还得我画张画你才能明白吗?”类似的说法还有“Do I have to spell it out for you? ”(难道需要我给你拼出来吗?)
Do I make myself clear? 我说的够清楚了吗?
例句 A I said no! Do I make myself clear?
B Yes , sir.
Don't let the sun go down on your anger. 不要让你自己怀着对他人的憎恨度过一天。
例句 A Tom was mean to me today, and I won't talk to him anymore.
➡ 汤姆今天对我很不好,我不会再跟他讲话了。
B You shouldn't be like that. Don't let the sun go down on your anger.
➡ 你不该那样做。不要让你自己怀着对他人的憎恨度过一天。
补充:英国著名流行音乐人埃尔顿·约翰(Elton John)有一首歌曲,叫作《Don't let the sun go down on me》,是由他创作,并由他本人和歌手George Michael共同演唱的。
I need to do my business. 我需要方便一下。/我需要用洗手间。
例句 Wait a minute, I need to do my business first.
I am just doing my duty. 我只是履行我的职责。/我只是完成我的工作。
例句 The guard who fought with the robber was doing his duty.
Do your (level) best. 尽你的全力。
例句 If you are not doing your level best, you will be regret someday.
Do your own thing. 做你自己想做的事。(不要管别人怎么想)
例句 Just do your own thing. What do you care what other people think?
补充:《你干嘛在乎别人怎么想》(What do you care what other people think)是由著名物理学家,诺贝尔物理学奖得主理查德·费曼(Richard Feynman)所写的半自传体的畅销书,主要讲他各种特立独行的故事。
Do your part. 尽你所能。(也可以说Do your bit.)
例句 Everyone should do his part to protect environment.
I will do my utmost to finish that. 我会尽我所能来完成这件事。
例句 We will do our utmost to help you.
You did yourself proud. 你做了可以为之骄傲的事情。
例句 It's great! You have done yourself proud.
Do or die. 尽全力去做。
例句 1. I will try my best to finish my work. Do or die.
2. He is a tough guy with a do-or-die attitude.
You need to learn the do's and don'ts. 你需要知道规则。/你需要知道什么能做,什么不能做。
例句 I don't understand the do's and don'ts here, can you educate me with that?
He did some fine coin. 他挣了很多的钱。
例句 I did some fine coin on my last job.
I did badly by him. 我没有好好对待他。/我对他不好。
例句 Tom did all right by his new girlfriend. He bought her roses, brought her to movies, fancy restaurants and this and that.
It does fine for me. 这个对我来说就很好。
例句 These pair of shoes do fine for me. I will buy them.
Do me a favor. 帮我个忙。(也可以用do sb a good turn)
例句 Would you please do me a favor to turn down the TV?
It will do you a power of good. 这对你大有好处。
用法说明:也可以用do sb a heap of good。
例句 Take a rest and go out for a walk. It will do you a power of good.
She did me proud. 她(通过做某事)让我感到骄傲。
例句 I will do you proud. I promise.
He did her bidding. 他按照她的要求去做了。
例句 I will not do your bidding. You have no power over me.
It did my heart good. 这让我很感动。
例句 When Mary sent me a birthday gift, it really did my heart good.
Do something about it.(对某件东西或某个人)做点什么。
例句 1. We can do nothing about it. The weather will change.
2. The neighbors are too noisy. Do something about it.
It is done by hand. 这是手工做的。
例句 This is all made by hand. Machines can't do fine work like this.
Do it over. 再做一遍。
用法说明:相当于“Do it again.”
例句 Do over your homework. There are too many spelling mistakes.
He did it the hard way. 他很吃力地做了这件事。
例句 She finished decorating her new apartment the hard way. She did it all alone without any help.
He drinks to excess. 他总是饮酒过量。
用法说明:do sth to excess指过量、过度做某事。常用的有drink to excess(饮酒过量), smoke to excess(吸烟过量)等。
例句 He is always drinking to excess when gathering with his friends.
Do it up brown. 做的恰到好处。
例句 He did it up brown when he organized a meeting.
Do the dishes. 洗碗。
例句 I don't want to do the dishes tonight. Find someone else to do.
Let me do the honors. 让我来招待客人。
例句 I am busy cooking. Will you do the honors, Tom?
That will do the trick. 那个会管用。
例句 This box is not big enough to do the trick.
I don't want to do time. 我不想进监狱。
用法说明:短语do time指在监狱度过刑期。
例句 He had done time several times.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. 己所不欲,勿施于人。
用法说明:这句话又被称为“黄金法则”(the Golden Rule)。字面的意思是“对别人做那些你想要别人对你做的事”,也就是你想要别人怎么对待你,就首先要这样对待别人。
例句 A Don't fasten a nickname upon your playmate.
B Why can't I?
B Because you would not be treated like that too. Remember the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Do we have to go through that again? 这件事难道还需要再讨论一遍吗?
例句 A I still can't forget the words you said to me.
B I said I was sorry! For many times! Do we have to go through that again?
I can do with that. 我能适应这个。/我能用的来这个。
例句 1. I will have to do with this apartment now. I can't afford another place.
2. A My sister want to live with us for at least one week, before she could find a new apartment.
B OK, I can do with that.
You will have to do without it. 你得想办法克服(某种东西缺失的状态)一下了。
例句 I guess I will have to do without breakfast. I need to go now or I will be late.
Do you eat with that mouth? 你是用那张嘴吃饭的吗?
例句 He is always talking dirty. Sometimes I just can't help wondering: “Does he eat with that mouth? ”
Do you expect me to believe that? 你觉得我会相信吗?
例句 A I got an A in this exam!
B Do you expect me to believe that?
A Hey! I am not lying! Here is the paper!
Do you follow me? 你们听得懂吗?/你们能跟上我吗?
用法说明:老师上课时经常这么说,也可以只说“Do you follow? ”
例句 A Go down the street till the third crossroad, you can see a tall building there. Then turn left, walk until you see a mall, then go right, go past the mall, turn left at the next corner...Do you follow?
B I guess you had better draw me a map.
Do you hear me? 你听明白了吗?
用法说明:也可以只说“Do you hear? ”
例句 A I want this file to be done perfectly tomorrow morning, do you hear?
B Yes, Madam. I am on it.
Do you get my drift? 你懂我的意思吗?
例句 I said no! That means don't call me any more! Do you get my drift?
Do you read me? 你听懂了吗?
例句 1. A You are being grounded. Do you read me?
B Yes, Dad.
2. A Do you hear me?
B Yes, I can hear you clearly.
A Now report your location.
Do you get the picture? 你明白情况是怎么样的了吗?/你知道该做些什么了吗?
例句 A I don't want to know that you are late again. One more time, you got fired. Do you get the picture?
B Yes, sir, I got it.
Do you know what I mean? 你懂我的意思吗?
用法说明:这一句话就是单纯询问的语气了,也可以说“Do you know what I am saying? ”
例句 I don't know how to describe that feeling. It's like you met your first love. Do you know what I mean?
Do you mean to say that... 你的意思是不是……
用法说明:复述别人的话,询问对方是不是这个意思。表示一种惊讶,也可以说“Do you mean to tell me that...? ”
例句 A I am out.
B Wait a minute. Do you mean to say that you want to quit?
Do you mind? 你让我生气了。
例句 In the cinema, the two men behind Tom kept on talking. Finally, Tom turned back and said to their faces, “Do you mind? ”
Do you mind if I... 你介意我……吗?
用法说明:表示询问某人的意见,一般是自己将要做的事可能有违他人意愿的时候,比如想要吸烟。如果要做的事情很明显(比如已经掏出烟盒来),也可以只说“Do you mind? ”
例句 A Do you mind if I close the window?
B Oh, of course not.
Do you want to make something of it? 你想打架吗?/你想找揍吗?
例句 A You were mean to me.
B So what? Do you want to make something of it?
Does that work for you? 你觉得怎么样?/你同意吗?
用法说明:就某项安排询问别人的意见。常用的回答是“(It) Works for me.”
例句 A Let's make it at 2 o'clock. Does that work for you?
B Works for me.
I don't care too hard. 我不介意。
例句 I don't care too hard if you really want to do it.
I don't care who knows it. 我又不怕别人知道。
例句 Jane is dating a guy who is 20 years older than she is! And she doesn't care who knows it.
They didn't exchange more than three words with each other. 他们互相说了不到三句话。
例句 I was so shy that I didn't exchange more than three words with him.
He doesn't have enough sense to come in out of the rain. 他有点呆。
用法说明:字面的意思是他没有足够的聪明可以让他遇到下雨就进屋。也可以说,he doesn't have enough sense to bell a cat(他没有足够的聪明去给猫系铃铛)。
例句 Take care of your brother. I don't want to see him get any trouble. You know, he doesn't have enough sense to come in out of the rain.
He doesn't have the sense God gave geese. 他缺乏基本常识。
用法说明:有点幽默的说法,也可以说“He doesn't have the sense God gave him.”
例句 You have to look after your sister. Make sure she wears enough clothes. She doesn't have the sense God gave geese.
Don't cry for me. 别为我哭泣。/别为我悲伤难过。
例句 Don't cry for me, Argentina! The truth is I never left you.
➡阿根廷,别为我哭泣。事实上,我从未离开过你。(出自歌曲《阿根廷别为我哭泣》Don't Cry For Me Argentina)
补充①:《阿根廷别为我哭泣》是奥斯卡获奖影片《贝隆夫人》主题曲,阿根廷的第二国歌,阿根廷足球队悲伤之曲。出自《艾薇塔》(Evita),一部很著名的音乐剧。描写阿根廷前第一夫人伊娃·裴隆(Eva Peron,即艾薇塔,也称贝隆夫人)从一个受尽社会歧视的私生女到权倾阿根廷的主政者的传奇一生。剧中贝隆夫人由美国流行音乐天后麦当娜出演,并且凭借这部电影获得金球奖“歌舞片和喜剧片类”最佳女主角奖。
补充②:麦当娜(Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone),是一位美国知名女歌手、女演员和企业家,是当今乐坛上少数可以在英美两地叱咤风云的天后级人物。在全世界她一共卖出了三亿张唱片,被吉尼斯世界纪录大全认定为全世界拥有最佳销量的女歌手。2008年,《BiIIboard》杂志把麦当娜评为第二位最棒的艺人,只是排在披头士后面,令她成为该杂志榜单最成功的单人歌手。同年她被邀请加入摇滚名人堂。
doctor [ˈdɒktə(r)] 医生;博士
I am doing this on doctor's order. 我这么做是遵照医嘱。
例句 Follow your doctor's order, have a rest.
I have a doctor degree. 我有博士学位。
用法说明:博士头衔又称PhD(Doctor of Philosophy)
例句 A Hi, I am Jane, PhD.
B I am Jules, GED.
(General Equivalent Diploma,一般同等文凭,相当于中学毕业。美剧《废柴联盟》中,两个喜欢男主角的女孩子第一次见面就是这么对话的)
补充①:《神秘博士》(Doctor Who)是由BBC制作的英国科幻电视剧。该剧讲述了名为“博士”的神秘的外星时间旅行者,随着他的时空机器TARDIS在时空中旅行的冒险故事。其经典地位不下于美国同类型的电视剧《星际迷航》。
door [dɔ:(r)] 门
A door must be either shut or open. 一扇门不是开着就是关着。
例句 A Should I marry him? Or should I not marry him? I don't know how to do.
B Yes, you know. A door must be either shut or open.
down [daʊn] 下面
He is down to chili and beans. 他穷困潦倒了。
用法说明: 指穷困潦倒,衣食不足(一般实际上没这么严重)。
例句 After he went broke, he was down to chili and beans.
dragon [ˈdræɡən] 龙
Don't chase the dragon. 不要吸毒。
例句 Don't chase the dragon. It's not cool at all.
dream [dri:m] 梦;做梦
It's like a dream come true. 这真是梦想成真。
例句 1. A vocation to Paris is like a dream come true.
2. My dream to Paris has finally come true.
补充:《我有一个梦想》(I have a dream)是马丁·路德·金(Martin Luther King)于1963年8月28日在华盛顿林肯纪念堂发表的著名演讲,呼吁社会各界关注黑人权益,实现黑人与白人的平等,最终迫使美国国会在1964年通过《民权法案》宣布种族隔离和种族歧视政策为非法政策。
马丁·路德·金(Martin Luther King, Jr.,1929年1月15日~1968年4月4日),著名的美国黑人民权运动领袖,1964年获诺贝尔和平奖。他是非暴力不抵抗主义的奉行者,同情贫苦的人,而生平多遭迫害。1958年他因流浪罪被逮捕。1963年他组织了争取黑人工作机会和自由权的华盛顿游行。1968年4月4日,他在旅馆的阳台遇刺身亡。1986年1月,总统罗纳德·里根签署法令,确定每年一月份的第三个星期一为全国纪念日,以此纪念这位伟人,将其订为法定假日。
drink [drɪŋk] 喝;喝酒(drunk [drʌŋk] 喝醉的)
I can drink you under the table. 我能把你喝到桌子底下去。
例句 You can't drink more than me. I bet I can drink you under the table.
Drink up! 快喝光!
例句 Drink up! Let's get going!
He is as drunk as a lord. 他醉的像个贵族老爷。
用法说明:形容人醉得厉害。也可以用as drunk as a skunk。
例句 After his twelfth bear, he was as drunk as a skunk.
drive [draɪv] 驾驶;驱动
Drive safely. 慢点儿开车。
例句 A Good bye. Drive safely.
B Good bye. I will.
She is driving him to drink. 他为了她借酒浇愁。
例句 He was driven to drink by the problem he had.
drop [drɒp] 落下;水滴
I dropped a bundle on it. 我为它花了很多钱。
用法说明:短语drop a bundle指花了很多钱。句中bundle的意思是“(一)捆”,常指一捆钱或好多钱。
例句 He dropped a bundle on his new car.
补充:由B.J.Thomas主唱的《Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head》曾是1969年由天王巨星保罗纽曼主演的《虎豹小霸王》的主题曲,在第42届奥斯卡金像奖中,这首歌典夺得了“年度最佳电影歌曲”,也就此成为经典。
dry [draɪ] 干的
It is as dry as dust. 它像土一样干。
用法说明:形容非常干,没有水分。也可以指无聊,无趣。类似的说法有as dry as a bone。
例句 1. The bread is as dry as a bone.
2. This novel is as dry as dust.
Dutch [dʌtʃ] 荷兰的
It is a Dutch treat. 这顿饭是AA制。
例句 I prefer we make it a Dutch treat.