- 西方文化喻指
- 张桂声 赵志仁 张峰
- 427字
- 2021-12-22 18:41:23
[词语]to eat crow
[趣释]【经典喻指】1812年美英战争期间,一名美国士兵因追杀一只受伤的乌鸦误入英军阵地。英国军官听见射击声,他想惩罚这名美国人,但当时身上没带武器,于是,他装出夸奖美国人枪法的样子,要求看一看美国人的枪。等他把美国人的枪骗到手之后,就拿枪逼着美国人吃他打的乌鸦,然后得意地把枪还给美国人,转身准备离开。美国人拿到枪之后,用枪拦住英国人,硬逼着他把剩下的乌鸦全吃完。后来“吃乌鸦”(to eat crow)被人们用来喻指被迫收回已经说过的话、被迫认输、忍受屈辱。
[运用]It was a bitter experience for him to eat crow after the election results proved his prediction to be clearly inaccurate. 大选的结果,证明他的预测显然很不准确,他只好承认错误,这对他是一次惨痛的经历。
He is a proud person, and it was a bitter experience for him to eat crow in public. 他是个高傲的人,当众认错对他来说就是奇耻大辱。
His predictions were completely wrong, and he had to eat crow. 他的预测完全错误,他不得不认错。
I can't sing well, so I don't want to eat crow in front of the classmates. 我五音不全,可不想在同学面前唱歌出洋相。