
[词语]up the river


[趣释]【物事喻指】美国纽约州(New York)东部有一条哈得孙河(Hudson River),河的上游有一座闻名全美的辛辛监狱,下游是纽约市(New York city)。纽约的犯人通常坐船被押送进那座监狱。于是在俚语中“到河上游去”(up the river)被用来喻指入狱或在监狱中。

[运用]He was sent up the river for a bank robbery.他因抢劫银行而被捕入狱。

Thirty years up the river had made him a stranger to society. 他在监狱里关了三十年,现在对社会一无所知。

They will probably send him up the river. 他们大概要送他入狱。

Thomas will have to be sent up the river for armed robbery. 托马斯因持枪抢劫得坐牢。