
[词语]to nail one's colours to the mast


[趣释]【物事喻指】古代海上作战时,把舰旗用钉子钉在桅杆上,使舰旗无法降下。表示只有前进,不能后退,死战到底的决心。现在,“把航旗钉在桅杆上”(to nail one's colours to the mast)被用到社会生活的各个方面,喻指明确宣布并坚持自己的看法,决不后退,血战到底,宁死不屈。

[运用]Things are black indeed but I am not going to give in. I will nail my colours to the mast. 情况的确不好,可我并不放弃,我要奋斗到底。

The candidate nailed his colours to the mast on the question of civil rights. 那位候选人明确表示了他对民权的观点。

Everybody tried to convince him that the measures would improve conditions, but he nailed his colours to the mast. 大家试图说服他,使他相信这些措施会改变形势,可是他寸步不让。

It is your turn to nail your eolours to the mast. 该你阐述你的观点了。