前言 阅读历史建筑,捕捉城市记忆
Foreword Reading Qingdao Map of Historic Buildings
1 中山路历史风貌区 Zhongshan Road Historic Area
01 德国警察署旧址 The Former Site of German Police Department
02 德占期海水提用泵房旧址 The Former Site of Drawdown Pumping Seawater Station
03 中国实业银行旧址 The Former Site of China Industrial Bank
04 东莱银行大楼旧址 The Former Site of DongLai Bank
05 青岛银行公会旧址 The Former Site of Qingdao Association of Banks
06 金城银行旧址 The Former Site of Jincheng Bank
07 大陆银行旧址-上海商业储蓄银行旧址The Former Site of Continental Bank Shanghai Commercial & Savings Bank
08 山左银行旧址 The Former Site of Shanzuo Bank
09 中国银行青岛分行旧址 The Former Site of Qingdao Branch of Bank of China
10 肥城路15、17号近代建筑 No.15 17 Feicheng Road Historic Building
11 青岛商会旧址 The Former Site of Qingdao Chamber of Commerce
12 山东大戏院旧址 The Former Site of Shandong Grand Theater
13 义聚合钱庄旧址 The Former Site of Yi J u He Bank
14 交通银行青岛分行旧址 The Former Site of Qingdao Branch of Bank of Communications
15 中山路17号近代建筑 No.17 Zhongshan Road Historic Building
16 青岛国际俱乐部旧址 The Former Site of Qingdaolnternational Club
17 栈桥及回澜阁 Trestle bridge & Huilan Pavilion
18 青岛市礼堂旧址 The Former Site of Qingdao City Auditorium
19 侯爵饭店旧址 The Former Site of Marquis Hotel
20 美口酒厂原址 The Former Site of Winery
21 浙江路9号近代建筑 No.9 Zhejiang Road Historic Building
22 圣心修道院旧址 The Former Site of Convent of the Sacred Heart
23 天主教堂 (圣弥艾尔大教堂)St. Michaels Cathedral
24 医药商店旧址 The Former Larz Pharmacy
25 圣言会会馆旧址 The Former Catholic Steyler Mission
26 水师饭店旧址 The Former Seaman's House
2 四方路历史风貌区 Sifang Road Historic Area
01 广兴里 Guangxing Courtyard
02 黄岛路里院和市场 Huangdao Road Market & Courtyard
03 劈柴院 Firewood Courtyard
04 春和楼 Chun He Lou Restaurant
05 谦祥益青岛分号旧址 The Former Site of Qian Xiang Yi Qingdao semicolon
06 青岛广东会馆旧址 The Former Site of Guangdong Guild Halls in Qingdao
07 三江会馆旧址 The Former Site of The Former Site of Sanjiang Guild Halls in Qingdao
08 亚当斯大厦旧址 The Former Site of Adams Mansion
09 青岛交易所旧址 The Former Site of Qingdao Exchange
10 胶澳商埠电汽事务所旧址 The Former Site of Kiaochow electric and steam Firm
3 馆陶路历史风貌区 Guantao Road Historic Area
01 三井洋行旧址 The Former Site of Mitsui Matheson
02 横滨正金银行青岛支店旧址 The Former Site of Qingdao Branch of Bank of Yokohama Kim
03 三菱洋行旧址 The Former Site of Mitsubishi Matheson
04 麦加利银行青岛分行旧址 The Former Site of Qingdao Branch of Macquarie Bank
05 英国汇丰银行旧址 The Former Site of HSBC
06 朝鲜银行青岛支行旧址 The Former Qingdao Branch of Bank of Korean
07 青岛取引所旧址 The Former Site of Qingdao Stock Exchange
08 丹麦驻青领事馆旧址 The Former Site of Danish Consulate in Qingdao
09 日本大连汽船株式会社青岛支店旧址 The Former Site of Qingdao Branch of Japan Dalian Kisen Kaisha Ltd.
10 甘肃路16号甲近代建筑 No.16(Jia) Gansu Road Historic Building
11 甘肃路10号、12号近代建筑 No.10 12 Gansu Road Historic Buildings
12 武定路、上海路、宁波路别墅建筑群 No.16(Jia) Gansu Road Historic Building
4 观海山历史风貌区 Guanhaishan historic district
01 山东路矿公司旧址 The Former Site of Shandong Railway & Mining Company
02 亨利王子饭店旧址 The Former Site of Prince Henry Hotel
03 德华银行旧址 Deutsche-Asiatic Bank
04 德国胶州邮政局旧址 The Former Site of Germany Jiaozhou Bank
05 伯尔根、美利住宅旧址Former Residence of Bergen & Murray
06 广西路11、13号近代建筑 No.11-13 Guangxi Road Historic Building
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07 广西路9号近代建筑 No.9 Guangxi Road Historic Building
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08 德国领事馆旧址 The Former Site of German Consulate
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09 广西路7号近代建筑 No.7 Guangxi Road Historic Building
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10 德国神甫姬宝璐旧宅 Former Residence of German priest
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11 安治泰主教公寓旧址 The Former Site of Catholic quarters
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12 胶州帝国法院旧址 The Former Site of Kiaochow Empire Court
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13 莒县路2号近代建筑 No.3 Juxian Road Historic Building
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14 英国驻青领事馆旧址 The Former Site of British consul
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15 黑氏饭店旧址 The Former Site of Black's Hotel
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16 古西那辽瓦住宅 Guxinaliaowa Historic Building
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17 美国领事馆旧址 The Former Site of U.S.Consulate
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18 德侨潘宅旧址 Former Residence of Overseas Germany
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19 迪德瑞希宅第旧址 Former Residence of Deadeye Mizuki
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20 德国亲王别墅旧址 Former Residence of German Prince
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21 斯提克否太宅第旧址 Former Residence of Mystic
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22 德国第二海军营部大楼旧址 The Former Site of German Second Naval Battalion
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23 明水路2号甲近代建筑 No.2(Jia) Mingshui Road Historic Building
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24 路德公寓旧址 The Former Site of Luther Apartments
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25 总督牧师宅第旧址 Former Residence of Governor's Pastor
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26 湖北路3号近代建筑 No.3 Hubei Road Historic Building
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27 青岛德国总督府旧址 The Former Site of German Government Office
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28 观海一路30号近代建筑 No.30 1st Guanhai Road Historic Building
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29 王统照旧居 Former Residence of Wang Tongzhao
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30 王献唐旧居 Former Residence of Wang Xiantang
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31 观海一路5号近代建筑 No.5 1st Guanhai Road Historic Building
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32 观海一路15号近代建筑 No.15 1st Guanhai Road Historic Building
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5 信号山历史风貌区 Xinhaoshan historic district
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01 大学路8 号、10 号、12 号近代建筑 No.8 10 12 Daxue Road Historic Building
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02 黄县路石桥与青岛河 Huangxian Road Stone Bridge & Qingdao River
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03 大学路48号近代建筑 No.48 Daxue Road Historic Building
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04 大学路14号近代建筑群 No.14 Daxue Road Historic Building
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05 龙江路34号近代建筑 No.34 Longjiang Road Historic Building
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06 华山路14号近代建筑 No.14 Huashan Road Historic Building
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07 齐东路22号近代建筑 No.22 Qidong Road Historic Building
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08 齐东路18号近代建筑 No.18 Qidong Road Historic Building
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09 齐东路2号近代建筑 No.2 Qidong Road Historic Building
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10 齐东路8号近代建筑 No.8 Qidong Road Historic Building
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11 江苏路27号近代建筑 No.27 Jiangsu Road Historic Building
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12 江苏路21号近代建筑 No.21 Jiangsu Road Historic Building
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13 龙山路18号近代建筑 No.18 Longshan Road Historic Building
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14 青岛德国总督楼旧址 The Former Site of office of governor
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15 老舍旧居 Former Residence of Lao She
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16 德国第一邮政代理处旧址 The Former Site of Germany's first postal agency
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17 黄县路35号近代建筑 No.35 Huangxian Road Historic Building
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18 黄县路23号近代建筑 No.23 Huangxian Road Historic Building
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19 欧人监狱旧址 The Former Site of Europeans Prison
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20 天后宫 Tin Hau Temple
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21 坂井贞一宅第旧址 Former Residence of Teiichi Sakai
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22 英商住宅旧址 Former Residence of A British businessman
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23 汇丰银行经理住宅旧址 Former Residence of HSBC Manager
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24 总督府童子学堂旧址 The Former Site of Governor Primary
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25 龙口路44号近代建筑 No.44 Longkou Road Historic Building
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26 基督教堂 Christian Church
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27 华岗旧居 Former Residence of Hua Gang
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6 鱼山历史风貌区 Yushan Historic Area
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01 日本商校宿舍旧址 The Former Site of Japanese business school dormitory
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02 童第周旧居 Former Residence of Tong Dizhou
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03 冯沅君、陆侃如故居Former Residence of Feng Ruanjun & Lu Kanru
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04 朱树屏旧居 Former Residence of Zhu Shuping
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05 莱阳路8号近代建筑 No.8 Laiyang Road Historic Building
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06 束星北旧居 Former Residence of Su Xingbei
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07 海阳路2号近代建筑 No.2 Haiyang Road Historic Building
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08 小青岛灯塔 Lighthouse on Small Qingdao Island
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09 胶海关副税务司宅第旧址 Former Residence of Deputy Commissioner
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10 青岛水族馆 Qingdao Aquarium
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11 宁文元宅第旧址 Former Residence of Ning Wenyuan
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12 早稻本善德宅第旧址 Former Residence of Yoshinori
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13 阿里文旧宅 Former Residence of Ernst Ohlmer
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14 宋春舫旧居 Former Residence of Song Chunfang
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15 金口三路17号近代建筑 No.17 Jinkousan Road Historic Building
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16 金口三路1号近代建筑 No.1 Jinkousan Road Historic Building
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17 金口三路13号近代建筑 No.13 Jinkousan Road Historic Building
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18 金口一路3号近代建筑 No.3 Jinkouyi Road Historic Building
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19 金口一路44号近代建筑 No.44 Jinkouyi Road Historic Building
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7 八关山历史风貌区 Baguanshan Historic Area
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01 红十字会旧址 The Former Site of Red Cross
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02 鱼山路7号近代建筑 No.7 Yushan Road Historic Building
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03 梁实秋旧居 Former Residence of Liang Shiqiu
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04 赫崇本旧居 Former Residence of He Chongben
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05 鱼山路24号近代建筑 No.24 Yushan Road Historic Building
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06 福山路18号近代建筑 No.18 Fushan Road Historic Building
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07 中国海洋大学鱼山校区 Ocean University of China
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俾斯麦兵营旧址 The Former Site of Bismarck barracks
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海洋大学六二楼 June 2 Teaching Building
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海洋大学科学馆 Science Teaching Building
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海洋大学档案馆 Ocean University Archives
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08 闻一多旧居 Former Residence of Wen Yiduo
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09 洪深旧居 Former Residence of Hong Shen
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10 福山路2号甲近代建筑 No.2(Jia) Fushan Road Historic Building
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11 沈从文旧居 Former Residence of Shen Congwen
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12 福山路8号近代建筑 No.8 Fushan Road Historic Building
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13 福山路 9号近代建筑
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14 福山路9号甲近代建筑 No.9(Jia) Fushan Road Historic Building
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15 福山路12号近代建筑 No.12 Fushan Road Historic Building
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16 福山路19号近代建筑 No.19.Fushan Road Historic Building
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17 康有为旧居 Former Residence of Kang Youwei
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18 栖霞路3号近代建筑 No.3 Xixia Road Historic Building
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19 文登路2号近代建筑 No.2 Wendeng Road Historic Building
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20 海滨旅馆旧址 The Former Site of Seashore Hotel
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21 栖霞路5号甲近代建筑 No.5(Jia) Xixia Road Historic Building
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22 栖霞路4号甲近代建筑 No.4(Jia) Xixia Road Historic Building
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23 栖霞路7号甲近代建筑 No.7(Jia) Xixia Road Historic Building
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24 栖霞路9号近代建筑 No.9 Xixia Road Historic Building
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8 八大关历史风貌区 Badaguan Historic Area
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01 荣成路1号近代建筑 No.1 Rongcheng Road Historic Building
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02 荣成路7号近代建筑 No.7 Rongcheng Road Historic Building
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03 汇泉路14号近代建筑 No.14 Huiquan Road Historic Building
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04 汇泉路18号近代建筑 No.18 Huiquan Road Historic Building
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05 青岛疗养院健康体检中心 Physical Examination Center of Qingdao Sanatorium
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06 汇泉路20号近代建筑 No.20 Huiquan Road Historic Building
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07 山海关路21号近代建筑 No.21 Shanhaiguan Road Historic Building
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08 东海饭店 Donghai Hotel
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09 韶关路49号近代建筑 No.49 Shaoguan Road Historic Building
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10 八大关小礼堂 Badaguan small auditorium
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11 八大关宾馆 Badaguan Hotel
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居庸关路18号近代建筑 No.18 Juyongguan Road Historic Building
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韩复榘别墅旧址 Former Residence of Han Fuqu
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12 公主楼 Princess House
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13 汇泉路22号近代建筑 No.22 Huiquan Road Historic Building
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14 正阳关路11号近代建筑 No.11 Zhengyangguan Road Historic Building
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15 居庸关路14号近代建筑 No.14 Juyongguan Road Historic Building
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16 山海关路9号近代建筑 No.9 Shanhaiguan Road Historic Building
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17 英国规矩会旧址 The Former Site of Christ Episcopal Church
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18 嘉峪关路6号近代建筑 No.6 Jiayuguan Road Historic Building
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19 花石楼 Granite Castle
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20 嘉峪关路4号近代建筑 No.4 Jiayuguan Road Historic Building
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21 嘉峪关路8号近代建筑 No.8 Jiayuguan Road Historic Building
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22 嘉峪关路5号近代建筑 No.5 Jiayuguan Road Historic Building
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23 韶关路28号近代建筑 No.28 Shaoguan Road Historic Building
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24 苏联公民协会旧址 The Former Site of Soviet citizens associations
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25 韶关路22号近代建筑 No.22 Shaoguan Road Historic Building
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26 正阳关路21号近代建筑 No.21 Zhengyangguan Road Historic Building
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27 函谷关路12号近代建筑 No.12 Hanguguan Road Historic Building
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28 函谷关路18号近代建筑 No.18 Hanguguan Road Historic Building
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29 太平角一路1号近代建筑 No.1 Taipingjiaoyi Road Historic Building
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30 函谷关路30号近代建筑 No.30 Hanguguan Road Historic Building
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31 嘉峪关路17号近代建筑 No.17 Jiayuguan Road Historic Building
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32 英总领事官邸旧址 Former Residence of British Consul General
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33 太平角一路14号近代建筑 No.14 TaipingjiaoyiRoad Historic Building
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34 香港西路40号近代建筑 No.40 Xianggangxi Road Historic Building
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35 太平角五路3号近代建筑 No.5 Taipingjiaowu Road Historic Building
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36 太平角三路12号近代建筑 No.12 Taipingjiaosan Road Historic Building
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37 湛山四路7号甲近代建筑 No.7(Jia) Zhanshansi Road Historic Building
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38 湛山四路5号近代建筑 No.5 Zhanshansi Road Historic Building
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39 太平角一路29号近代建筑 No.29 Taipingjiaoyi Road Historic Building
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更新时间:2020-05-21 17:21:31